Sunday, September 5, 2010
Omfg, MOB should be revised into specialising on studying companies and their behaviours/cultures.
I'd give them a good example,
Yeah i know, "google" just reminds me of HER. & come to think of it, placing "google" in front of her reputation, sounds like complimenting her. So from today onwards, i'm not gonna use that on her.
Okay, why of all, Google ?
Because tell me,
how many companies do you know, that actually have freaking things like :
1. A slide so that you can reach the cafeteria faster than taking the stairs.
2. A firepole so that you can slide down for fun.
3. An aquarium to keep you "entertained".
4. A Victorian-style library to give you new "scenaries".
5. Free massages on your birthday.
6. Cars sponsored to you so that you could run errands. Free, yes, you got it. & they're totally environmentally-friendly. Love it.
7. As much as 10++ restaurants/cafes.
8. & may i add to point8 that the food is FREE.
9. Free healthchecks, not that i care, but it's FREE still.
10. Table tennis tables for you to play when you're supposed to be working.
11. Fitness centres with instructors, FREE as usual.
12. Laundry services, FREE. Nice, you could just bring all your dirty clothes from home and get the people to wash it for you.
13. Sleeping pods for you to sleep in.
14. Addon to point13, pods with designs such as igloos and all sorts. (Y)
Freak this thing. Those employees in Google are really damn lucky.
Okay, i might just be looking solely at the benefits of working there alone.
But c'mon, providing you with all these basic necessities in life, bearing in mind for the welfare of the workers, where to find sia ?!
I don't mind working there even if it means that i'll have to slog my guts out, because boy that place is really cool.
Gosh, i could spend the entire day watching the fish/sleeping in the pods. LOL.
Anyways, i'll have to banish myself to Switzerland if i wanted to do that, so it's like impossible.
& speaking of abilities to make it in, i've more or less, given up on practicing POA because it's rather last-minute, and i doubt cramming things in my head is gonna help me much.
Apparently i'm not the only one doing that because practically everyone in the class is giving up.
Not something to be proud of, but that's the fact.
I'll be happy my efforts were sufficient to get me a good-enough pass.
*PRAY. @.@
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