Sunday, August 29, 2010
I know you're confused why i side with her so often.
It's because, somehow, i see a little bit of me in her.
You guys might see the flaws, but tell me, which person on Earth is perfect ?
You're not perfect yourself. Yes, you didn't complain much because you know obviously, that we're all friends at the end of the day.
But you people only magnify the cracks, and overlooking the good side. Is that the right way ?
Then am i supposed to do the same to you as well ?
We all have opinions towards one another, but somehow, you just end up judging her towards the "bad" rather than the "good".
Sometimes, all we've to do is 睁一只眼,闭一只眼, & things would be even better.
Do you know how it feels to be forgotten ? Probably not.
Do you know how it feels to be neglected ? You might have, but you'll never realise others would feel that way.
So just, stop.
We've got a long way ahead. We should be walking alongside.
Even though i know it's rather impossible for us to step across one another's safety circle and understand everyone better, the least we can do is to stop being so sensitive.
Come to think of it though, it's quite pathetic to know that the future awaiting in front is like that. Doesn't seem like something i can look forward to.
At times, i just want to ask in your faces, what are you afraid of ?
People knowing too much about you ? People making use of your past to backstab/blackmail you ? Or because you're still questioning one another's trustworthiness ?
If you don't try, you'll never know.
& you don't even bother trying.
You know, this time round, i'm not going to be the first one to step across. Because you're the ones pushing others away.
Thanks so much for being smart.
Shockingly, it took me only 1hr to finish going through all the chapters of MOB. :O
& i recalled vividly the last time round i recapped, it took me 2 to 3hrs. -.-
This just shows the significant difference between revising when the tv is on, and when it's off.
Well, quite good that i could remember everything. But have to relax more and stop jamming at certain place. :/
Hope everything makes sense tomorrow ! >.<
& i didn't get to make a trip down to the temple today.
Wtf, parents didn't tell me they were going in the morning. When i woke up, they just came back.
Sian ttm. I should have gone on my own.
Can't wait for exams to be over !
I've got such a long list of things i wanna do ! D:
So i think i'll probably be going out almost every single day ? :P
Now, the biggest problems are Stats and Econs. ):
The thought of it makes me go sian-ed immediately.
Ohwell, should 放轻松.
The rally was rather interesting, as usual.
But i really do admire the way he carries himself in speech. O-O
Perhaps that's why all the politicians and officials are what they are today. The way they speak is (Y).
I'll try to be a little more persuasive in my speech next time. It might be beneficial in doing business and while i socialise.
HEH, key to success. :D
Still, 0% exam stress. Not even increasing by 1kbps. Fml. -.-
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