Friday, August 27, 2010
Guinness' advertisement isn't that bad either.
At least there's something stupid at the end to make you remember it. HEH.
Anyways, just really really glad i didn't commit the same mistake.
Perhaps it was a good thing that thing happened earlier before this.
Never know, this one might be 100x more problematic than what i have now.
I guess i should consider myself lucky to an extent.
Falling down, learning, crying, and stand on my feet again, vowing never to make the same mistake again.
Sometimes you shouldn't think too negatively, because there's a probability of something worst than what you're facing now, to occur.
Count your luck and stop complaining, girl. :/
Let's just hope that i keep this event in mind and not forget. -.-
Okay, good thing i've managed to finish reading through Stats.
200pgs in freaking 4-5hrs, not bad leh.
Still quite disappointed in myself regarding yesterday's performance. ):
10pgs in a day ?! That's like total insult to my cute brain.
Anyways, i'm not sure if understanding the 200pgs meant that it'll be embedded in my mind until the exams are over. But i guess i'll have to make the constant effort to refresh my memory..
But still, not bad. That feeling when you're done with what you've planned for yourself, beats everything else and makes you feel like time well-spent.
& then again, i can't help but wonder why i became such a no-lifer.
That's life. :S
I'll go start on one Stats paper later when i feel like it.
Now i just want to sit on my bed and alternate between staring at my comp and the tv.
2 days to MOB paper. Please, please let the blindly-memorising-and-miraculously-understanding way of learning be useful.
Got a gut feeling i'll end up sleeping in my parent's room during exam days. HEHEE.
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