Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I should :
1. Lower my expectations. The lower it is, the lesser the disappointments because the current me is still in the yet-to-recover-and-rather-fragile state.
2. Lock myself in my room and think about my resolutions.
3. Ignore the world and just concentrate on studying.
4. Have more guts and be able to face the possibility of standing alone.
5. Never back down.
6. Find my beloved confidence that's not hiding under my bed.
7. Make music my companion instead of relying too much on others.
8. Believe in a better tomorrow.
9. Fight for my share of the sun.
10. Slap self 10times whenever i confuse myself everyday.
11. Be more sincere and go praying more often.
12. Procrastinate less, practical actions are much appreciated.
13. Not let the number 13 be my jinx because i could do more than what it can do to me.
14. Love the present.
15. Let go of the past.
16. Understand the true meaning behind "time does not rewind".
17. Remember that the world does not revolve around me, myself, and i.
18. Look beyond things ; let go.
19. Be less stubborn and more logical than i could ever be. Mind over the heart.
20. Know that i'm not the worst, though i might not be the best.
21. Laugh more. I don't care if it's gonna irritate the shyt out of some people.
22. Demand for my optimism from whoever that stole it.
23. Treat things as an experience rather than a torture.
24. Be more concerned for others.
25. Fulfill my wishes before i regret.
26. Treasure those around me more.
27. Change myself.
28. Cherish my life more.
29. Stop complaining and bang my head against the wall if i whine the entire day.
30. Be less imperfect.
Point form works much better than typing in paragraphs because my brain's currently working in the jumbled-up format and it's rather tedious to sort my thoughts out.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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