Saturday, August 28, 2010
Quite a long day.
2 words to describe the day :
Everyday is as interesting as the previous. I guess i won't have to be afraid that the days ahead of me are going to be too boring because there'll be constant entertainments.
Studies, not sure if i should say it's going well, or i'm being too confident.
My mum interprets “还可以” as “不可以”. I hope i proved her wrong. Somehow though, it feels like i haven't prepared enough.
Inevitable, since the school couldn't make the effort to give us more papers to practice.
Too tired to even think what i'm gonna do, so i'll just be in the 船到桥头自然直 mindset now.
There're still some other problems. But i guess, same old ones.
Even more tired to mention it, so i'll shut up and let it rot even if i'm aware of its existence.
Now i just want to sit at the 凉亭, drink Starbucks, and waste time.
Sad case everyone's so far away from me. Plus they'll probably think i'm mad to even want to stay out in the middle of the night at this month.
Perhaps during Sept holidays ? There's so many things i wanna try. Hope i'll be able to test things out and gain new experiences or write new chapters in my life..
By now you've perfected that smile, for it hides your insecurities.
It hides your anger and your sorrow, your sadness and your envy.
A smile hides those tears you cried last night and that broken heart that refuses to heal.
It hides your flaws and regrets.
It hides your pain and your fears. Your hate and your jealousy.
A smile hides who you really are.
But nobody told me that that smile,
would be this heavy.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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