Saturday, September 4, 2010
I am not tired, i am not tired, i am not tired, i can continue.
I sound like an idiot, never mind.
& it's rather freaky to see so many natural disasters in other countries almost everyday.
Okay i'm exaggerating. Probably not everyday, perhaps every week ? Or every month ?
But this frequency gets rather regular that such regularity doesn't seem like a good thing.
I think i'll have to finish all the things i want to do before i regret in 2years' time.
Can actually imagine. Okay, image adapted from the movie 2012, but somewhere there.
So people out there, if you've got something you wanna do/say/try/whatever, just go ahead.
I'm not encouraging people to rob banks, duh.
More like asking people to do things which they haven't found the courage to.
Perhaps things like confessing to people you like, or go cliff diving. I don't know.
I've got quite a long list myself.
Let's hope i finish it off best before 2011. Hmm, make it, "before we all perish". Yeah that sounds more accurate.
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