Sunday, August 1, 2010
Yeah, i'm here to spam my blog again in order to distract myself from my dying hunger for food ! T-T
I believe my parents are intentionally delaying giving me my food. Don't know why. Perhaps to make me finish it so that next time they don't need see me suffer by looking at my husband with a face full of pimples etc..? LOL !
How nice. Right. I think if they continue starving me, i'd be dead before i even found the "love of my life". & i haven't gone to Mac to find the one. Stupid Paul. I believe someday he'll turn into Takoyaki. :D
Okay, i'm really hungry. ZZZ....
Supposed to be doing Econs Midyear paper. But i'm quite lazy as usual, as you can see.
Duh, when i'm here, it always means that i'm too lazy to do what i'm supposed to. HEHEE.
Seriously, the moment i reached the section on short answer questions, i began flipping the lecture notes like crazy.
Fml, i think i already returned what i learnt to the teacher.
Somehow it just can't stay in my brain. The good thing is that Econs is more of concept and logic rather than memorising, so i still have some of the main points embedded in my brain. :D
& i don't understand how to differentiate unemployment, wtf. I hate macroecons even when it barely begun. -.-"
Urgh, return me my simple demand and supply concepts ! ):
Okay, i just took a look at the paper again, and there's freaking 3 questions for the short answer questions.
3, so little right ?!
Damn you. It's not. They have all the stupid part a, b, c etc. Somemore still have bi, bii, biii. Wtf. -.-"
HAHAA, so in total how many questions ? 15 lah.
But it's okay, i'll try finishing 12 of it today.
Yeaps, that's bullshit. If i can even finish 5, i'll have to thank god for it. -.-
Anyways, DBE project is lookin' good ~ :D
When i open the file, the number of words are like "WOAHH~", and i feel accomplished.
Erh, not anyhow bomb one lor. I elaborated tons on statistics whatsoever. In the end the case-study itself took up 6pages. Adding the intro, business strategies and all, we actually hit 9. :O
Means we have 3 pages for conclusion and other elaborations. Wonderful, i like. :D
At least i didn't waste my weekends doing nothing. But we'll have to finish it asap. Plus all the tutorials bugging me. Principles does not allow me to not do PACC tutorial. ):
& got 2 shock of my life yesterday. LOL.
1 was the message mentioned on the previous post.
The other was when i was about to turn off my comp, i realised the icons on my start button all vanished. Miraculously. (Y)
I think technology hates me too. I've been having problems with it ever since i owned an MP3 which was about 4years ago. & even bigger problems with my desktop.
Yeaps, i hate them too. Those figures, don't even know what they're talking about.
Ironically, i still yearn to own some of these gadgets. Quite retarded. But it's normal, i guess.
Since in these modern times, owning things like iPhone simply puts you at the front of technology, even if everyone has also bought one.
Hahas, it's okay, because there are retards like me trailing at the back, not using iPhone. :D
Anyway, thank god nothing happened to my laptop after i restarted it.
Shocking, if it died on me all of a sudden when my projects aren't done, and exam papers not printed, i'll cry a sea.
Yeaps, that's about all.
Hunger came back. Mission to distract self, failed.
Edit later when i'm done eating/slacking/doing econs/doing nothing.
I'm freaking done with Econs paper ! :DD
HOORAY. That's like major accomplishment of the day ~ :P
Can't believe i actually finished the entire freaking thing in less than 12hrs. LOL.
Okay, off to slack. Will further further edit this post later, i'm sure of it.
I'm backiee ! :D
Okay, if there's even people reading this freaking blog, i would persuade you to read it at night perhaps around 1, 2am ? Because i'm sure i'll constantly edit the posts whenever there are new things happening and i want to take it down. :PAt this rate, you'll have to spam refresh and see if i updated. Why waste energy torturing your finger to click "refresh" ? Just read in the wee hours of the night. Smart eh ? ;P
Anyways, 2 confessions.
1. I just realised it's 1st August today. Fml, it's been 8mths since 2010 commenced. Can't believe it, i guess the first 4mths were great, the next 4mths were just pathetic. Must be too pathetic that i ended up forgetting the date.. Damn, return me my days. ):
Ohyah, with commencement of august, means the seventh month's coming too..?
Wth. -.- I should ask mum when it officially begins, else i think i can't go out at night anymore after that. ZZ.2. I swear, that guy's pissing me off. Do i look like your personal secretary or something ? Tmd, don't know how to do come ask me. Which chapter also don't know. Don't know can't ownself go flip through lecture notes find ar ?! I also don't know what, never see me going around asking people which chapter it is.
Yah, it's not YOU questioning my intellect, it's the other way round, dude.
& yes, i'm happy you realised that you're sorta getting on my nerves and that i was brave enough to not bother hiding how pissed i was with you.
Wah, thinking about your MAJOR contributions to DBE, i must say, well done boy. Well done.
Even a dog could have done better than you. Fyl.
Ooops, i forgot. You used to be one. Perhaps i should rephrase.
The day you contribute majorly, is the day, pigs fly, sun rises on the opposite side, the earth spinning the other way round, the sky turning green, the seas turning pink, and me becoming a princess.
Just shut the fuck up. You're the one with a screw loose in your head. So stop giving me those "wtf" look everytime, because i have more rights in giving you that look than you to me.
Shan't be too upset about these idiots. (;
In case you're wondering, that post-it note at the bottom, is currently sticking well on my desktop's table, which is also my study table where i use laptop everyday. Reminds me that there're better things waiting for me ahead. :D

Received a friendship chain message from Rach. I'm not really into these things because i feel that it's like a complete waste of money to send messages around and you don't really benefit. The telecommunication companies does.
I think i'm rather emotional these days. Like the constantly-going-around-rooting-for-everyone mood these days. So this message had another meaning.
Besides, Seemin sent me a message too. I guess she knows i've been rather down as well, and she's trying to tell me she'll be there for me too. :D
Rebby too.
So i just forwarded it.
Shockingly, after i finished forwarding the messages, i looked up and saw the time to be at exactly 1111. So i quickly made a wish, after being stunned for about a fraction of a second because it was too coincidental.
For some unknown reason, there was this sudden gush of overwhelming emotion that touched me. Very familiar, comfortable.. Like 心里突然一阵暖意。
That's why i felt really touched.
Everyone might think i must have nothing to do and posted it on FB, but in fact, it holds a special meaning to me. Not that i can explain through words. Just a strong feeling.
Feelings, changes everything.
1111 ; where dreams are given a chance to develop into reality.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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