Monday, July 26, 2010
Just saw the news showing an increasing trend among people to do surgery on their BELLY BUTTONS , to make it smaller and "nicer".
Eww, that's kinda disturbing to me. Wonder if it's okay for you guys. :/
I mean, why torture your own body like that ? Your mum kept you alive in her stomach by providing food for you through that "hole", so why are you making it smaller for the sake of being pretty or whatever..?
Plus, you still have to pay for the pain you might suffer during the surgery. Isn't that quite dumb ? :/
Ohwell, humans are willing to pay for anything in pursuit of beauty..
Anyway, today wasn't that bad, i guess.
Mostly contributed to having a good feeling about NOT being called during Econs tutorial as well as handing up the MOB report.
Wonderful, this is what i've been working hard for. T-T
Well, one down, 2 more to go. :S
& they're all due next week, consecutively. Damn shytz. I think i'll have to start chionging this week. Urgh. But i'm quite lazy, so i'll take my own sweet time. :D
I can even play games when i'm supposed to finish the report for MOB previously. Smart eh ? :P
No stats lecture today = Waking up late. YAY ! :D
But still freaking tired when i woke up. Almost went back to sleep, ALMOST. Close call. -.-
Reached school, saw Elissa's group chionging the last parts for their report. Quite sad for them, and as expected, HE didn't turn up when Jason messaged him to meet up in the morning.
Well, all those apologies last night went down the drain again. Nice. (Y) Hope he rots in hell.
Break, went to bind report. Waited for freaking 10mins, wth.
I think the uncle must be happy to have a long line of people waiting for him to return to bind/photocopy the things, because he happily left his position for don't know how long. ZZ.
At least in the end, we managed to bind ours. :DD
But damn xia suay lor. Looking at the seniors' reports of one thick stack, and looking at our 9-page report, that's like 小巫见大巫. & we were still having so much troubles doing that pathetic report. ZZZ.
Econs lecture, never tio called, heng.
& they said he was coming for Econs tutorial, but was gonna be late WORR ~
HAH ! I think it's more like he's afraid of coming alone in case the class gangbangs him, that's why he choose to come at the time where a teacher's around.
Anyway, quite disappointed Augustine didn't call his name, because i'd like to see him fluster and explain his answer in front of the class. :)
MOB was boring. My laptop couldn't tahan for the entire lesson. DD:
It died on me lah, wth ! Okay fine, i was partly to be blamed for using the battery on playing facebook games than saving it for lessons when i clearly know i didn't bring adapter.
It's okay ~ I can get the file from the others. :P
Happiest thing in MOB ? He looks totally extra there. He was literally invisible to everyone. Nobody talked to him, he sat alone, he was a loner. (Y)(Y)(Y)
That's called, you reap what you sow. (;
Went home with Rach & Steffi. Was talking about tons of stuff and we also talked about IMH. LOL !
In the end, there was really this psycho man that sat down opposite us and started talking to us.
So freaking jinx can. -.-"
This always happens when the 3 of us are together, and are on the way home.
I think we were born with a high level of luck of meeting weird, psychotic and plain pervertic people in our lives. So the moment we get together, the effect sinks in and WALAHH ~ The sicko appears. =.=
He kept calling and talking to us. And he ended up singing songs with words that we said too loudly and he managed to hear.
Somemore still keep do weird things to attract our attention. I think i must have offended him last time because he keeps calling me. ZZZZ.
Seriously, these incidents are too frequent when we're together, i think we should publish a book. & i'm not surprised we'll have an entire sequel to it. -.=
Managed to shake him off at AMK. Steffi and Rach alighted at AMK whereas i was going home alone for today. If he continued his journey down to i-don't-know-where, i think i would have alighted at AMK and took 162 home as well. -.-"
I'd rather take a longer time to reach home, than to risk sitting in the same cabin with a psychotic person. Moreover, when Rach & Steffi alights, it means there'll be 2 free seats beside me. Omfg, i can't imagine if he sat beside me. I'll scream into his ear, man. ZZ.
Life just keeps getting more interesting each day. Tsk.
I'll probably die due to heart attack someday..
& today it was rather moody for some people. ):
I guess it kinda broke her heart when she saw his updates..?
Crying for straight 2hrs throughout the tutorial.. Feel sad for her.
This is why i hate guys when they keep asking for perfect face, figure etc. C'mon, buy a Barbie doll if you want her to be perfect. ZZ.
Stop hurting those around you that loves you ! Felt so sad when she was crying silently, and nobody knows she's crying except when i went to the toilet and saw her face red.
Aww man. Fuck those people. Can't you just open your eyes, look beside you instead of that girl that looks so freaking plastic [ exactly like BARBIE, i think that's why you like her ], and appreciate the one that's always been there for you !
Don't start regretting when she moved on.
Okay, so on one hand, there're people whose hearts are broken, on the other hand, there're people being pestered by classmates which they don't like. LOL !
Alright, now that's a change in perspective. If my friend was the one going after the person, i'd say : "Go for it and don't back out !".
But if my friend's the one that's being gone after and she doesn't like him, i'll say : "Eww, that's disturbing." LOLs, you see the contradiction ?
Anyways, it's all up to them. These things are like, de javu ?
Happened last time, just with different people, but same "victim". Hahas.
I like this line. (:
Because there are different types of 情. You have parental love, friendship love, romance and all. But it's not easy to describe the word on it's own. These are all feelings from the heart.
Well, i've gotta say i don't understand it much at times too.
I tried asking someone what "love" meant, but i didn't get a definite answer. So i guess i shouldn't bother asking anyone else anymore.
Complicated ? I think so too. HAHAA.
& i felt so touched when Xiuyi talked to me on MSN yesterday and asked me to cheer up ! T-T
Aww, well, i guess i'm dumb to think that nobody cares. But now, it makes me feel better because people DO care. Even if it's a small number. (:
Hahas, so, whenever i want to breakdown, all i have to do is think of these people. For their sake, i should be stronger. MUAHAHAA !
So i say my dear friends, do not complicate things, or you'll be making life difficult for yourself.
Keep things simple, live happy, think positive, and you've survived yet another day. (;
Yays, okay, i'm going to start on PACC tutorial soon. Well, right after i finish eating, that is.
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