Saturday, July 31, 2010
Woke up to a BRIGHT & SUNNY day. ZZ. Fml.
I knew it !
I should be the weather forecaster instead. Wth.
Why is it always so freaking sunny on weekends and rainy on weekdays ?!
I want my stars to come out, and they rain. I don't need them, it gives me a sun. -.-"
Gosh. Hate this.
Anyway, was rather hoping to see a cool weather, but i guess that's quite impossible now. The sky's damn blue right this moment. LOL.
Woke up at 10.30..?
So early right. I was intending to sleep in till about 12 or 1pm like during the holidays when i need my 1ohrs sleep like it was my life ! Now i wake up after 8 or 9hrs. Sians. & i'm still tired after that. Fml.
But i guess it's a good thing i woke up 2hrs earlier than what i intended because i took 4-5hrs doing the remaining points of the project. ZZ.
Research + using brains + typing + trying to make everything flow all at the same time.
I must have some hidden potential for writing reports. HAHAA !
I'll try writing one myself next time. I think my progress would be much faster than at the current speed the group's going at. :/
Anyways, no time for complaints. Still need to finalise everything before Monday, and we're only 50% done.
Damn, what am i doing at home at such a bright weather ?!?!
I should be out and running about. ZZ. -.-
Now i'm stuck at home facing freaking tutorials and the only thing accompanying me is my music and laptop and packet of Mamee. LOL !
Never mind. Next week's the last week of school. :D
Happy happy ~ Shocking that one sem passed like that.
Even more shocking i've to survive another 5 sems in total. Sians.
Still thinking if i should skip Astro next week. :/
Thing is, i don't wanna skip, but i wanna go back to Deyi and meet 'chers & friends. ):
Ahwell, 船到桥头自然直.
My mum just dug out my old toy. Like those electronic computers.
I remember i loved it loads last time. Probably because i didn't have real computers, so i was sorta satisfied with a fake one that keeps asking me questions and makes annoying sounds.
I'm too lazy to upload the pic, but i just saw it when i went to my parent's room to take a shower. & THERE IT WAS ! LOL.
Can't believe i actually sat there playing for about 10mins. -.-
It's the old laptop kind which is big and quite bulky and they have keyboards that doesn't really press all the way down. HEHEE.
Childhood memories. I remember i kept getting stuck at the names of the animals.
& i kept blaming the toy for showing the animal in a wrong way or it was drawn too ugly-ly i can't recognise. I just needed to blame someone instead of myself for being dumb. HAHAA.
& they even had a built-in piano. :D
Yeah i know, i was dumb enough to sit there and play all the modes of the computer.
& i just realised how smart those manufacturers are, making all these kind of gadgets 10years ago. Got so many stage, play till my brain cells all die lor. No wonder i'm so stupid now. ZZ.
Anyway, wonderful inventions, for a decade ago, that is.
I think my love for that thing died off after awhile. Yah, i'm the 三分钟热度 kind. LOL.
& that thing got on my nerves because i couldn't answer the questions and it keeps playing the "wrong" sound effect and it gets quite piercing after some time.
I tried muting it just now, but they didn't build one mute button, wth. So now it's ringing in my ears. -.-
Miss it. I hope mum's not gonna throw it out, because i'll miss it. :S
Might consider bringing it to my room and start playing. LOLOL !
Hey what. It's fun lor. Stop questioning my intellect. Tsk.
It gets amusing sometimes when you come across things from the past that brings back vague memories.
谢观音妈让我平安度过半年。 虽然是狼狈了一点啦。
LOL. Don't know what i doing also. Just wanted to be thankful for being alive and still kicking though i'm more of "alive and kicking the bucket". HAHAA.
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