Monday, July 26, 2010
HAHAAA ! I have finally seen the true prowess of 睁眼说瞎话 !
Previously, i was always teasing my friends about them being bhb and all, but all jokingly.
But this time round, it's totally like what the phrase says.
In comparison, those teasings were NOTHING.
In this world, you can only use that phrase on that one freaking asshole. :)
Even if your mum really tried to do something, but thank god you managed to stop her,
it doesn't mean that you can don't do your part right ?!
And you even had the freaking guts to scold people and say others makes it look like you didn't do anything at all.
C'mon face the facts dude, you just DIDN'T !
& you could ask when you lied, roflmao. I literally laughed out loud when i saw that comment.
*Salute you.
You're really the most thick-skinned person i've seen in this world. You must be very happy, because i'll remember you forever, for your retardedness.
Still going around fucking people when you were obviously in the wrong.
Ohyah, i shouldn't be too harsh on you, shouldn't i ?
Because you're just blinded by the very noble LOVE at this point of time.. Right ? (;
Hahas. Side note, you're the one that should stfu, and not everyone else.
You're the only one that doesn't have the rights to speak.
& you're definitely the one that's going down.
Today has been the most interesting day, ever. Never been involved in something so "interesting" with seriously fucked up people.
Thanks for showing me how fucked up humans can be. :D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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