Saturday, July 31, 2010
Just came across photos uploaded by my primary school friends on facebook.
This is when chinese comes in handy and only that phrase can explain everything.
Seriously, everyone has gone through the stages of adolescence.
& is really 变到吓死人的变.
In primary school, we were all running around, being kiasu, and 100% not lady-like.
In the blink of an eye, everyone's gliding around in skirts, roflmao.
Some still wear makeup, contacts, eyeliner etc. Wah, literally throwing all the cosmetics on the face like drawing on a canvas.
But actually, they pull it off pretty well.
Anyway, even if they're super pretty now, i'll always remember how immature they behaved last time.
So when i see them, i'll smile and say how good they look, but thinking secretly : Hehe, i know you were once dumb enough to run around the school screaming because of a komodo dragon that didn't even bother to come out of its home to bite you.
Sounds mean right. But that's life. & it's rather interesting, i must say, to know that person's past. :P
& Rebby just messaged me, omfg ! Shock of my life ! :O
Me & Elena were talking about how at least we saw Lixuan and Seemin online everyday, knowing that they're at least alive, but Reb's like MIA entirely.
So sweet sia. She said she missed me. :')
HEHEE. Spot-on, i knew she'd miss me the moment we went separate ways. Like seriously, who can resist crapping with me and walking with her all the way to the library when it's so freaking far ~
Still quite happy she actually took the initiative to message me instead of me messaging her.
Life's not good for her too.
She's like the.. Don't know how many friends out of the JC friends i have that failed most of their subjects too. Guess she's rather depressed as well. ):
The list goes on. But i have faith in them lah. C'mon, i don't think anyone in 409 has the potential to fail lor, please. Actually, it's quite shocking i haven't failed too. Not that i won't fail in CA2, but at least for the first time, i didn't fail my tests.
So they won't fail their promos either.
Gambatteh. (;
Uni's like right in front of them but i guess they were blinded by stress they think uni's quite far. I think it's entirely out of reach to me, like seriously. I'm not blinded, i'm seeing reality.
But it's okay. My parents no education also can keep this family going on for more than 20years.
At most i work harder, do more work, get lower pay, eat less and save more lor. Won't die one lah.
Shucks, now i feel like crashing every JC's lecture. Lmao.
I think i'd be in hot soup if i'm caught lah. HAHAA. Wonder if SP would kick me out because i was a "traitor" and went to attend other school's lecture.. :P
Bottom line : I miss 409. Yeah man, i miss 409.
I think i'll make a wish to meet all the niners again. But currently, there's no hope in seeing shooting stars because the sky is red over here. Rain again. ZZ.
I miss tons of people. ): At least i'll get to see poly friends. Wonder if JC friends would wanna go out or not. See how.
First thing i do when i meet them ?
Hug them. (:
Like really, i don't care even if it's gonna be awkward with people staring, i'll still hug them, in public somemore. :D
Love you guys loads. (;
某日,( when my mum wasn't with us )
我 : 你还爱妈咪吗?
爸 : 废话,当然爱啦!*Without hesitation & with a big frown. LOL.
Next day,
妈 : 你趁我不在的时候问你老爸什么怪问题啊 ?!
Fml. LOL.
But still more of ♥.
Best parents in the world.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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