Friday, July 30, 2010
Short post before heading to bed.
Chat with Elena on FB just now. Wanted to check if she was okay.
Luckily she is. :D
I guess nothing can stop her. That's the Elena i know. (:
Glad that she managed to pick herself up when she's in much dire situations than me, with more fucked up people surrounding her.
Really wondering how she's going to survive there for another 2.5years when only half a year has passed and she's so tired already.
Hope her life gets better. Not forgetting to ask that my life gets better too !
Talked about quite a lot of stuffs.
Things that we never got to discuss when we were in Deyi.
Which makes me realise how much we missed out on when we were given the chance to close that gap.
Too late for regrets. But not really too late for amendments because we're actually closing this distance, even if we're just chatting online.
Because i'll always be me, and she'll always be her. :D
Just wish that the others in JC didn't forget us and stops MIA-ing ! ROAR.
& Elena has freaking too many common points as me. ZZ.
Maybe that's why we click ? HAHAA.
Anyway, just miss her.
She's very innocent, as compared to this evil and dark society.
Why have polys become so screwed ?
I thought it was going to be better. Fol.
Ohwell. I'll be praying that everything goes well for the next few years.
Hwaiting ~ ;)
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