Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wondering what i'm doing here at 12.45am, posting my 360th post ? (:
It's because the very hardworking me couldn't go against my own principles of not doing PACC tutorial for once.
When i wanted to begin on it, was told to send the ONOW reflection best by today for efficiency. Fine by me. Did it. Thought it'd take me less than 1hr, probably half an hr ?
In the end ?
Took me freaking 1hr+ to finish it ! ZZ. -.-
Okay lah, in that hour, i managed to complete my own slide + speech + reflection. & i guess i'm ready for presentation. Lessens my burden, actually.
Started on tutorial at 10pm, did till now.
Pro right. Do for 2hrs. Don't know what i doing also.
Stupid ledgers. Do till my gastric came back to haunt me.
But i'm kinda scared to go cook maggi now. It's like.. Darkness. LOL.
Never mind, i'll compensate my poor tummy tomorrow.
I should eat more. But then, no appetite how eat ? ):
Getting increasingly unhealthy. Help ?
Alright, gotta go. There's DBE later. Urgh. The thought of seeing her face makes me want to skip lessons.
Ohwell, i'll live, i guess.
There's meteor shower this week ! :D
Thing is, i don't even know where to spot. Great.
Never mind, i'll see how. I swear i'll watch at least one meteor shower this year, what with another one in August, i think.
I'll make dozens of wishes constantly so that people out there who thinks astronomy is just a waste of time, sits there crying that they didn't manage to catch it.
Hmm, i'll start planning what i wanna wish for then. :D
Yays, happy happy.
Okay wait, not happy. Gastric + headache + bloodshot eyes = Fml.
Going off now. Seriously.
*Edited at 2.48pm, during PACC tutorial. LOL !
As usual, we're slacking away in her lessons since she didn't assign any tasks for us.. :/
Just saw some updates by people whom i don't know, but are studying in SP, and are going around adding all SP students.
Seriously, those kind of people don't have to worry about their futures. So freaking bright.
Getting awards after awards, bursaries, meeting important people like principals etc.
ZZZ, at the age of 17, they've accomplished this much.
Then if i were to question myself, what have i achieved in these 17 years ?
Nah, i guess nothing.
No money, no fantastic results, just friends, memories and grades that are barely passing..?
Yah, it might sound okay if i have memories and all, but is it enough ?
Feel so incompetent, inferior and down.
Thanks for showing me how good life is for you guys while i'm struggling with mine and ending up with practically nothing in the end.
**Further edited at 6.16pm. LOLs, okay this is getting stupid.
Anyway, just decided to rant A LOT here before editing my slides again.
Now i have come to the conclusion that IB is a fucked up course, with fucked up people, excluding some, and fucked up teachers with fucked up attitudes, all in all.
I thought my classmates were good. But i guess i was wrong as usual.
C'mon, how can they be so fucking biased by choosing all their own clique's people than to ask the entire class before deciding.
And the excuse was : Ask the class confirm a lot people want go. So i chose people from my clique lor.
Wtf, somemore still say till like you're right.
Worst still, that fucked up bitch had the guts to say "IT'S NOT MY FAULT HOR" when she was the fucking PTN and was supposed to correct and justify everything to ensure fairness.
Tmd, blood boil sia.
Damn wtf. Never seen such an irresponsible teacher. Fml, seriously.
Well, serves them right for being so fucking biased that in the end through drawing lots, 4 out of 5 people who was going to attend, was from our clique.
& i'm going too ! :D
Free shirt sia. Somemore can see them run & got CCA points. Don't have to worry that i won't have CCA points anymore. Wakaka.
Now that really made me feel better. ZZZ.
Fucked up people. & i have no idea how i managed to smile back at her when she talks to me.
Wah, i think i'm an idiot to actually involuntarily smile back. ZZ.
I must be too peace-loving. LOLOL !
Well, i guess it was right of me to volunteer myself since i won't have much to do during the holidays too. :/
Just hope it doesn't clash with any of my plans. :S
I need to get out of my house soon.
Home has become a comfort zone, or my burrow where i hide myself. Argh, so cowardly ~
Go out, go out, yeah, i'll go out next week ! :D
But before that, have to finish DBE. Urgh.
*Goes back to sian mode.
Fml, i've been listening to Jay chou's songs the entire day.
I let SHINee down. Sorry dears ! ):
I'll listen to them when i've decided that Jay's songs' lyrics aren't that realistic anymore..
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