Tuesday, July 27, 2010
In school now. Got too bored so i decided to blog.
Hmm, it's a very nice weather in SP today. (:
Got sun, but not very hot.
Got wind, but not very chilly.
I always said i manipulated the weather. As in, my mood has the ability to make the weather better.
Guess not, because with a weather like this, i'm still moodswinging and kinda upset..?
Hate this feeling.
It's okay, i'll put everything down. Family, classmates, and all other problems. Down.
Because i should know what are my priorities..
Just can't help it though.
I think i'm actually causing a change in the weather, because it seems like it's gonna rain soon..
This feeling's going to be with me for quite some time. So i'm not entirely in the mood to blog. Sorry.
Even if i'm constantly telling people to say out how they really feel, it's a different thing when it comes to myself.
Easier said than done, as usual.
Not easy to describe the feelings plus the awkwardness when everyone knows.
That's weak.
Yeaps, but i don't think i'll constipate to death. I'll remember to let it all out.
Perhaps i should go take a walk tonight too..
Why doesn't anyone live close enough to meet up at night when i'm feeling down..?
I guess looking at my friends' happiness is enough. Even if i'm not having it myself.
Never listen to Jay Chou's songs when you're upset, heartbroken or whatever. Just don't.
Sometimes his songs gets so freaking depressing, you might just find yourself jumping off a building. ZZZ.
But then again, i've to admit that his songs are definitely good. The representation of Chinese music.
Still prefer his old songs though. & watching all those MVs, you can actually see how much he went through in order to accomplish what we see on him, now.
Started off with half a dream, developed into what you see.
Sounds nice ? (:
I hope my dream has the ability to develop itself. But it's still a long way, and i'm not so sure whether i'd be able to survive for the next 3years, so let's just keep it as it is now.
& i shan't waste my time blogging about idiots because they're not worth me doing that.
Just know that he exists. (;
Nice lyrics. Found some interesting common factors Jay likes to use in his songs. Saw it ? :P
Yah, maybe he'll brighten my mood up. But there's still a probability of me committing suicide. (Y)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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