Saturday, July 31, 2010
Just came back from Astro. Torturous 2hrs.
Okay, it sucked to an extent because of bad weather, as usual. No night observations. So be it.
They actually showed us a movie called "Sunshine", which to my opinion, wasn't even sunshine-y at all. -.-"
It's like freaking scary. Okay, so for those who haven't heard of what this movie's about, it's basically this group of astronauts + scientists on a mission to bomb the Sun because the Sun was dying. & if the Sun died, everyone on Earth dies as well. The ship's called Icarus II, because Icarus I sorta failed with nobody coming back from the mission [ got sabotaged ]. On the way, they met all these accidents like being directly exposed to the sunlight, and incurring severe damages to the ship, as well as causing people to die since they were in space fixing the parts. & let's skip it, in general, 4 people were left after they explored Icarus I when they passed by it near Mars. In the end, when they were nearing the Sun, one of the guy realised that there was someone else alive on the ship which the computer does not recognise. So it was this fucking freaky guy that lived on Icarus I for freaking 7years and he got disfigured due to exposure to the sun. No idea how he managed to board Icarus II, but never mind, so he began killing everyone on board the ship.
Basically, the entire story progressed from dying due to accidents, to dying because there was some psycho guy running loose on the ship. ZZ.
& the ending ?
Everyone die lah. ZZZ.
Hate this kinda ending.
I can proudly say that i covered my eyes 75% throughout the movie. -.-" C'mon, what do you expect from someone that can't even watch "Incredible Tales" ?! =.=
I wanted to leave at 10pm. But Rach likes this kinda movie, and i can't go home on my own, so i had to sit there covering my head with my hoodie, and pretend-sleep. Wth.
All in all, bad experience. I'd rather watch 2012 again, seriously.
And we also planned to stay for a little longer to see the stars, but thanks to the cold weather, we could leave at 10.30 after the show ended.
While waiting for Rach's dad to pick us up, went to see if Mac was open because we saw people eating Mac & Subway ! D: But too bad, no it was closed. Looked so retarded.
Bought food from vending machine. T-T & wasted time trying to open the pack of food at the busstop. Stupidity.
The day was generally okay.
MOB tutorial was fine, just that it feels strange having a Caucasian as a tutor for the day.
3hrs lecture, not too bad either. Just want to sleep, as usual.
Ate drumlets during PACC lecture when she kept reiterating that there shouldn't be any food or drinks in the lecture theatre. But whatever. (Y)
Stats was okay.
Sat in the lecture hall, stoning with everyone since DBE members had to eat before we start on project discussion.
DBE project was rather productive. Shocking ! Added more info, started doing report.
I'll have to continue doing my part later. It's damn long, so long that i'm having second thoughts about whether i should do it now or after my sleep since i'm quite tired as well. :/
Ahh, but i've to finish it by 10pm tomorrow !~ & i haven't done Econs tutorial + exam paper + PACC tutorial + Stats tutorial. ARGHH !
Okay, never mind. Believe in myself. -.-
So looking forward to holidays starting next next week ! :DD
It's literally playtime after presentation on Thurs. YAYY !~~
Hmm, what should i do during holidays..?
1. Go out with JC/other poly friends.
2. Go KBox ! :D
3. Watch movie, duh !
4. Ben&Jerry's. :P
5. See my shooting stars..? [ In the process of thinking how to accomplish this. ]
6. Crash NYJC lecture..? HAHAA. [ In the process of finding NYJC uniform. ]
7. Return ShiPing's POA book ! LOLOLOL !
8. Go on mass eating sessions..? :PP
9. YOG on 12th august ! :DD
The list goes on lah.
I'll think about it later. (;
Hey, you guys in JC, jealous we're having holidays ? :P
Okay lah, also have to make plans for studies. If not i'll regret during Mid-years. ):
My brain has slackened. Sighs.
Okay, i came to the conclusion that i shall do project later when i wake up after my sleep, and my tutorials on Sunday.
Rush rush, but it's okay. I'll deal with it somehow.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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