Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Finally changed blogskin. Saying my goodbyes to my pretty golden crown & butterfly. );
Ahwell, frankly speaking, i'm quite bored of that small 'lil box as well.
Chaongin's not the only one that's feeling quite pekchek to read it. HAHAA.
This feels more comfortable, doesn't it ? ;D
I guess i'll be quite lazy to change blogskin for quite some time. So enjoy for this period. :P
Just edited the links, profile, CBox, everything. (:
I guess i must be too stressed up i decided to find something bo liao to do. LOLOL !
Nothing much to update.
I might edit this freaking post AGAIN, much later if i feel like it.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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