Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Yayyee. Time to slack. :D
Shockingly, our group managed to finish project faster than the other group that started way earlier before us.
Perhaps it's because they did tons of research and it takes a longer time for them to compile everything..? :x
Besides, their powerpoint slides looks much more informational than ours. ):
But i guess you can't blame us for having less things to talk about since in comparison, China definitely has more things to elaborate on instead of Russia. LOL.
It's okay ~ Things will be fine.
Screw it, i don't care if it's gonna be NOT fine since i've had enough of editing. -.-"
Let's just screw it up. Sometimes, screwing things up might not be as bad as it sounds. You might just get even better grades than trying to not screw it. :P
Anyways, i'll prepare my speech at around 8pm. Still have time to slack. Anyway i'm quite familiar with my parts, so it'll be okay.
& i forgot i'm supposed to buy my own dinner tonight since mum's going out. :O
Looks like it's time for me to have some bonding sessions with Mr. Maggi again. (:
I hate being maligned for something i didn't do. Even if it's jokingly.
Like seriously, stop saying it's me when you're the one that's getting the wrong information or trying to blame on someone else.
Dudes, get your facts right. Don't push the blame on me when i didn't even know when i "said" things. ZZZ.
Miscommunication. Sometimes i just hate people that speaks without thinking/clearly.
Even if you're my friend, tsk.
Have to do some quick thinking and try spinning some long tales in order to convince them.
This is for the sake of my _ _ _ _ _ _.
Please enlighten them so that i can save up on the amount of saliva trying to persuade them. ):
Counting down, 3 days to holidays !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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