Monday, August 2, 2010
& once again, history repeats itself.
Thanks for dumping things to me as usual. What can i say ? I should lower my expectations of you so that when you finally did something, i'll feel happier.
Yeah, if "thanks" is the price to pay for getting me to finish up everything, i think i'm getting cheaper, aren't i ?
My efforts don't even cost a single fucking cent.
I wish i could depend on you even when the others didn't cooperate because i just didn't have the ability to settle them down. But i guess, you aren't any different.
Specifically asking for a task when a project work is supposed to be doing things together, regardless of whether you like it or not. It's not assigning things that you like to do, to you.
Wtf, if i asked someone to assign to me things i liked to do, i'd be free my entire life.
You can say i can't really get things done well.
Yeah, i suck.
Then do you guys rock that much then ?
I suck, you suck, she sucks, he sucks, they suck, we suck, this sucks.
When things gets better, you guys take all the credit, and start praising yourselves. So at the end of the day, we did so well because of YOU PEOPLE, not because i was the one slogging my guts out trying to do research and everything at the same time and keeping track of things.
Everybody gets credit, but not me.
My existence doesn't make much of a difference, i guess.
Seriously, fuck that freaking bitch that's so fucking biased she should just quit teaching and go hook guys.
Problems piling up, with no solutions.
Even if there're happier memories that keeps me going, these burdens weighs more than the memories.
It's on the losing end of the battle..
I hope i could tell her, but i think things might just have an adverse effect when i confessed that i didn't really manage to solve part of the teamwork problem.
Anyway, i'll tolerate. I'll endure.
For this fucking 3 years, i'll take it all in.
Because i won't let suckers ruin my life, just like that.
I'm so looking forward to graduation day.
Perhaps on that day, i'll go around punching bitches or fucktards that really pissed me off in the 3years.
For now, 我忍.
Since i have so much water in my body, i guess it'll be rather good to regulate the balance in my body by letting some of them out. Hah.
School was boring. Like all mondays, boring.
Stats, boring.
Econs, boring.
MOB, boring. Did DBE project during MOB.
I think i have the talent of multi-tasking. HEHEE.
Focusing on 2 things at the same time. Pro uh. (Y)
It's okay, i think i'll do an ever better job without assholes that aren't considerate and keeps fooling around. They're just dragging me down. I have bigger things in life, waiting for me. (:
Guess it was good i did some crapping with Elissa today.
Somehow i feel that i lost my crappiness, every single day.
I found that side of me in sec3, had it for 2years, and lost it in year1.
Short-lived happiness..?
I need to find a crapping partner soon. Too bad i think people in IB have more twisted minds than crappers like me. Don't really click. So i'll need to find someone else instead.
Crapped with Rach too. (:
Bad day, even my stomach was sympathising me by telling me how hungry it was.
So i literally took it all out by eating. HAHAA, but worth it. Orea milkshake, yums. :D
I'm supposed to be eating my dinner even before i blog, but not really in the mood to eat, and i kinda forgot to tell my parents not to buy my dinner, no doubt i'll have to come up with some white lies to cover the fact that my day wasn't that great.
Ahwell, i think i'm going to waste food again. -.-
& so happy, 4days to holidays. Like yays. :D
Finally, an escape from the harsh reality. An escape from that building which i don't have much feelings for. An escape from all the things that's trapping me now.
Rach said she don't mind going to see meteor showers on the 13th ! So freaking happy lah. :DD
I thought she was gonna say she'll give it a miss. Hahas, i guess she needs a wish as well.
Hope the weather's good. (:
Think i'm not going back to Deyi this friday. ):
Even if i'm dismissed at 2pm, heading back to AMK means i'll reach Deyi at about 3pm+?
& i think all the teachers would have gone home already, since Deyi usually dismisses pretty early.
*Sighs, looks like i can't meet my 'chers again. D:
Guess i'll do a surprise visit someday.
Well, that's something bad about deciding to run all the way to Dover when your schools are all situated in the North. :/
But there'll be astro at night, probably not that bad..?
I'll go find the niners during august break after their lessons end.
YJC, NYJC, AJC.. :DD Excited.
Hope they get so touched they cry. HAHAA, siao. Later they wipe their tears on my shirt, so disturbing. :P
I could really use a wish right now.
When life gets too bad, just treat it as a fall. The injuries are marks to remind you that you've successfully walked out of it all. (;
International Business, best choice of my life.
Jk, i must be mentally unstable to say that. (Y)
So much for having good results for Olevels when you end up in a shyt course with shyt people and shyt life.
Yeah, perhaps my life would be better once i graduate. Since it's supposed to be "international".
Whatever, life still sucks now.
Unless you're telling me 先苦后甜. But this is really too 苦 le lor, please. Makes people want to bang wall and die, seriously. ZZZ.
And all my posts have so many vulgarities. LOL.
Damn, i'm supposed to be a little more.. Feminine right ? HAHAA.
Crazy, if i did, it won't be me. Besides, vulgarities are sorta part of my life. Impossible to remove.
Just like sarcasm. ;)
Wonder why some people hate sarcasms. As in, the joking kind of sarcasm, not the hurtful sarcasms.
Makes life more interesting. At least, even when people start shooting hurtful remarks at you, you won't feel that pain anymore.
Yeah, i'm still undergoing training. I can take most people's sarcasms, except for a handful. No idea why, their tones just makes it irritating and really gets on my nerves.
Sarcasm ftw ! :D
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