Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sagittarius are NOT UNDOUBTEDLY the most optimistic star sign.
It just changes with the situation.
Sometimes things makes it so bad, you just have to be happier and think everything's going to be fine just to make yourself feel better.
Well, that's the case for me though.
& i don't really believe luck favours me. -.-
It just dies on me when i start believing in it.
Guess i'll just stick to depending on myself.
Okay, come to think of it, i still have some luck.
Someone once told me that all humans are born with luck.
If they didn't have that degree of luck, they'd fail in everything they do.
Such as, breaking stuffs when holding them, stepping on dog shyt, bird shyt landing on you, almost getting killed, missed trains and buses on important dates, get reprimanded everyday, never pass a single thing, choking on food, and the list continues.
I think you guys get the picture.
Basically, it's like bad luck every minute, every second.
So maybe i should be thankful for not stepping on dog shyt every second, and not having bird shyt landing on me, and most definitely not getting killed almost everyday, even though i might have some neardeath experiences.
I'll have to admit that it's an entirely different point-of-view from what i had about "luck" itself.
But i definitely love freedom. :D
Not a really good thing because i get demanding the moment i don't get my freedom.
I should consult my dad about how he manages to be tamed by my mum. I'll need to get some pointers from him so i wouldn't make life that difficult for them when i don't get what i want. :x
Hmm, yeah, quite true. I used to like working on my own. Okay wait, edit.
When i was in primary school, i liked working alone because some people get too bossy, some people don't do anything, and yah, it's better.
In secondary school, i loved working with people. Duh, because everyone's so hardworking and they actually contribute even when we're all fooling around during the process.
So comes back to poly, i went back to liking to work alone.
I guess it's easier when you can complete everything at your own pace, and finish it off even faster than when you're in a group.
Yeaps, it's okay. I'll most probably have to be a lot more independent when i step into the society and work because there'll definitely be even more bastards and fucktards around.
Actually, did you guys ever question yourself whether the cup was half full or empty ?
Because i did.
After don't know how many eons when someone popped that question up, i can't really recall what my exact answer was.
So i didn't know if i was optimistic or pessimistic.
When you know the answer to this question, you'll very likely be influenced and affected to say the cup is full, rather than say it's empty. It's just human nature. I mean, who doesn't want to be a better person ?
Hence, the very boliao me, decided to sit in front of my laptop and think about it while blogging.
& i came to the conclusion that i'd most probably say :
那个杯子里面还有一点水leh !
Sorry it sounds like i'm thirsty or something. If you do remember, i'm the 水桶. Thanks.
I guess this means i'm part optimistic..? Though it's not really an exact answer.
Hmm, this post very bo-liao-nothing-do hor ?
Nothing much to blog. Wanted to make a change, instead of blogging about what i did today, i'll blog something that i feel.
& i referred to this website before commenting on its reliability.
I must say that it's rather true, to an extent.
So if you people are like 心痒痒,要知道又不想问,那就别问呗。
I skipped quite a number of parts. Because it'd be a little difficult to explain. So might as well leave it. :P
Yeaps, i should relax more. I must be too stressed up these days. 神经都差不多崩溃了。
Work performance is always better without pressure. I should stop worrying so much.
Don't wanna really end up in IMH.
My dad said he had a friend who went to fix the aircons in IMH, and his friend saw how young all those people in the hospital were.
Barely older than me. Some even younger. & from what his friend described, they really had the "smart" look.
A pity they lost their sanity. Sad lah. ):
I think i wouldn't bear to force my child to study so much since i'm nowhere better and i can definitely understand how they would feel.
Shall pass on my parents' mindset of "做得到就做,做不到就算。"
Having stress makes you more competent. But when you have too much stress, and you just can't handle that amount, you'll just have the opposite effect..
Saw a few kids running around yesterday while talking.
Makes you wonder what they'll become when they grow older, and realise that life's no longer that easy.
Childhood was created just to let you know that you're supposed to cherish it when you have it, and not regret when you lose it.
& please don't look down on people. Because i strongly believe in retribution and karma.
What comes around, goes around.
Why is this society so screwed ?
Sometimes i get pissed off at my parents, but sometimes, i just have to say that i love them a lot.
You know your dad's the best in the world when he takes a walk with you and buys icecream for you when it's almost his bedtime.
You know your mum's the best in the world when she lends you a book containing all motivational stories in order to make you positive in life again.
She lent me this “可以放松,不可放弃”book she bought at Popular. Shock of my life.
She was the one that was always telling me not to buy books, and she actually bought one. :x
Anyway, i'm never a big fan of such books because i didn't really need them since i could read, but couldn't apply the same concept. Plus, it just seemed weird and sian-ed to read such things.
So the book contains all these short stories from ancient China, and at the end of each story, there's this "moral of the story" part, which is the most "brainwashing" part, in my opinion.
But it brainwashes in a good way, because you learn from different perspectives.
Thing is, i'll have to learn how to do all that.
Well, there's something for me to do this holiday.
This freaking thing has 250 short stories. But with my proness in reading, i'll most probably finish it by tomorrow night. :P
I'll post the stories when i come across really nice and meaningful ones. (:
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