Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Contents :
Today, i :
1. was glad my fever had gone off when i woke up.
2. was happy i found a seat on the train even when it was packed.
3. started to doubt the day when the weather turned bad.
4. had to do last minute editings on the project.
5. broke my beloved jonghyun keychain before presentation.
6. presented well without forgetting my points because i understood and memorised them.
7. remembered that google bitches could screw your lives when you didn't screw them yourself.
8. realised that good articulation and pronunciation was not counted in good presentation.
9. couldn't fix my keychain and broke it further.
10. couldn't even find the keychain after i broke it.
11. remembered that i was an IT idiot because i didn't know how to unlock my touchpad.
12. had to stay back in school for 2hrs to edit the report.
13. wasted 1hr fixing the touchpad.
14. almost died in school.
15. recalled how unfair it was to have people presenting worst than me, to get better grades than me.
16. want to escape from reality again.
17. very politely, didn't let the aunty cut my queue.
18. almost cried in school.
19. cried.
Summary : DBE fucks life.
Conclusion : International business gives you the chance to fuck your life.
Solution to problem faced : Take a knife and stab yourself in the heart.
Scientifically proven & best example : Me.
Hi, i'm back to fml-mode, and my life sucks. How's yours ? :)
* EDIT *
Okay, i think i'm insane. Like really insane.
Morning and afternoon was fucked up, the night was definitely better.
That's good and bad in a way. I guess i just need some time to think it through and stand on my feet again.
Well, i must say ______ really does help sometimes. (:
So i'm ready to embark on another shyt of a presentation tomorrow. But i guess it'll be much better.
Seriously i've to fix my printer. I can't just write my script everytime. It's becoming a chore. -.-
Well, first i'll have to figure out when the desktop doesn't lag. Fml. It's ageing, like big time.
Been almost a month since i used it. Confirm lag till siao. Die.
Never mind, i'll try figuring it out during the holidays. :/
Imagine dating with a printer, fml. But i'd rather date a printer than date lecture notes. ):
Reminds me. I've been having a bad lifestyle. No exercises. Oily, spicy, sweet, sour food. Wow. Enormous amounts of input with no output, no balance. LOL.
No wonder i'm feeling fat. ZZ. I should go exercise, like ChaoNgin suggested.
Probably walking from my house all the way to AMK's Mac and back ? LOL !
Okay, i think by the time i walked back and ate my Mac, the calories i burnt are equivalent to the amount i ingested. HAHAA.
See how, see how. Maybe one fine day jio SP and Elena go ECP cycle yi xia. HAHAA !
Wow, effing tired. I'll go run through my script before turning in.
Don't wanna get that fever back on again. ZZ.
Heart still pain sia. Jonghyun beloved. ):
Don't care, i'll go comics connection buy another one ! @.@
Gave up on 1111. I think my luck is usually used up on the first try. & when i start believing in it, it fails me. I should just stop pinning my hopes on these impractical things that always lets me down.
Cheat my feelings only. 骗小孩 ! LOL.
Wanted to make a wish, but i guess, sometimes it's better that you let things go with the flow.
So i practically looked at 1111 turn 1112..
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