Sunday, July 25, 2010
I'm still alive and kicking, so i guess i sorta survived yesterday..?
It's okay, everything will be alright somehow.
Let's just take it as a bad memory..
Anyways, decided i should blog now at 1.03pm, even though i know i might edit this post later on in the night when i get too bored.
Just saw that idiot come online. Asshole.
Yesterday didn't have the guts to come online to do project, in the end, made that group do your part in the report. Fyl.
Seriously, people like you are totally useless. Even if you don't want to cooperate nor contribute, at the very least, come up with a suitable excuse !
C'mon lah, falling sick again and saying that you need to sleep early when you're actually playing "Pool Master" on facebook ?! That is totally over the line.
I don't know if i should say you're stupid, dumb, or just retarded.
Can't even cover your own lies. Really fyl. Pathetic sucker.
Don't worry though, because we'll all be telling the teacher how you haven't done your work, and been missing dicussions and not doing your part.
Like hell would i give you credit for not doing a single thing except flirting with your girlfriend and saying how in love you are ? Tsk.
I'll be laughing when you break up with her, trust me.
For now, please enjoy the sweetness of your romance because you're going to have hell when you come to school tomorrow.
That is if you are even considering to attend.
Really no guts. Choosing this time to come online because none of your group members are online right.
Today, you have made me realised how very smart i was to not get fooled by your words back then. I guess because i sense your idiocity and retardedness, your plan totally foiled the moment you opened your mouth.
& i'm even more awed by your ability to lie so easily. Liar for life. Have family problems ? Who doesn't ? I have it too. Maybe even bigger than yours. But aren't i doing my work like everyone else ? Unless you're the government and you have a national issue to take care of, don't you even use that excuse.
Yah, and perhaps you might be telling the truth, but can't blame us for not believeing you. You made it that way. Lying so many freaking times about what ? Falling sick ? & now you said it's because of family problems you have to say you're sick.
HA ! Biggest joke i've heard this year. Fyl, totally.
Really, fuck off and stop being a burden to everyone if you aren't even cooperative right from the start.
& it's kinda ironic for you to have family probs, but you're on facebook playing Pool. (Y)
Owned, man.
You're a sucker. For life.
I wasted my time typing all these out. But i guess it's okay, because i want to let the whole world know that such an idiotic person exists.
What am i to you ? Do you even care about what others feel ? You should go for a checkup, because you're pms-ing way too much.
Finished Econs tutorial. A good thing.
Damn, it's like every Sunday. & i feel Monday Blues again. Wtf.
Never mind, i shall hypnotise myself into believing that tomorrow would be a better day ~
*Chants repeatedly.
I even wrote a post-it note and pasted it on my desktop so that i would face it everyday when i go to school, or come back home and use my computer. (Y)
I'll bet my mum thinks i'm insane if she sees what i wrote on it. -.-
But what to do ? When life gets too bad, the only way to remain optimistic, is by deceiving yourself. I've to admit that.
You just feel 爽 to lie to yourself lor. HAHAA. Even my dad says it. No choice though. Not like i can NOT deceive myself. :/
Things like “心静自然凉” and “明天会更好” etc, are said so as to make yourself feel better. It doesn't really work. You're just lied into believing it exists/happens.
Never mind, so what ? I like to lie to myself so that i can make my own life easier.
Got a problem with that ?
Go see a psychiatrist, for goodness sake. Stop making life difficult for yourself. -.-
I used to think that girls are more responsible than guys. But i guess i forgot that there are exceptions. The reason why i didn't change group, was because of you, girl.
I thought even if the guys didn't help out, at least you would.
But why does it seem like everyone's not doing their best ?
Why does it still feel like i'm the only one fighting for our marks ?
You know, i get tired too. Sometimes, i really really really want to kick up a big fuss and tell everyone to fuck off.
& then again, it's not a very wise move since it might just have the adverse effect. So, what do you want me to do ?
Slack with the rest of the group, and we all end up failing together ?
Please stop relying on me, because i need someone to rely on as well.
I know you all are doing your part, but it's not the best you're giving.
What can i expect now..?
Looking at how messed up the other group is, i'm beginning to question our responsibilities as a whole. You all might be smart, but are you guys responsible ?
Sucks when nobody can help you. Sucks when you're the only one doing most of the things. Sucks when nobody gives a damn. Sucks when they think you're the "independent variable", when you want to be a "dependent variable" at times.
Wah fuck, so fucking pissed i'm having minor gastric now.
Even my body tortures me. (Y)
How good can things get ? Tsk.
Today should be a happy day, but i've got so many problems in front of me.
Obstacles. Can i overcome them ?
I wish the holidays are here, right now. Let me replenish my energy before i continue fighting this long battle, alone. Just give me that chance to fight back..
If i don't sleep, would tomorrow never come ?
If it doesn't come, then i'm really willing to stay awake.
I've no courage to face tomorrow even when i said tomorrow's going to be fine.
What has to come, will come. I should be stronger.
1st step towards conquering things in life : Look forward, never backwards. Because once you turn back, you'll realise how bad you miss the past, and you'll refuse to move on. You can only stop and look at the wonderful memories, but not wanting the memories to relive itself. Else, you'll never find the need to continue life..
Yeah, i think i'll have to sleep regardless. Damn tired. -.-"
Wanted to find a nice blogskin to change to. But is really low on the number of skins available. :S
Plus all the ones i found cheated me because they looked nice from far, but when you scroll in, it's a different story.
Too flowery even though it looks pretty. Not my style. So i guess i'll stick with this for a little longer.
There's a pretty golden butterfly that flew past you. Did you see it ? (;
I just realised how quickly i could switch from being happy, to unhappy, and back again. Weird.
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