Friday, July 23, 2010
Currently in school, blogging because i got too bored and there's nothing for me to do.
Decided to disturb Elena when she came online awhile ago, so i'm still talking to her.
Come to think of it, it's been some time since i talked to her already.
Even if it's not a few months since we did chat on MSN sometimes, but i don't really know what she's been doing these days.
Just found out how bad life was for her as well.
Frankly, she and i have common points, be it personality, feelings, and everyday happenings.
& she told me she cried ! ):
Like, HELLO, Elena crying ?!
She didn't even cry because homework load got too big for her to handle in secondary school, but she actually cried in Poly.
Wtf. Damn all those idiots that made her cry.
Makes me realise how fortunate we were when everyone in 409 were so responsible and NOT last minute chiongsters or two-faced bitches or sarcastic assholes or plain retarded.
Can totally understand how she felt. Facing all those people, and since she wasn't easily accepted and being highly sensitive, all those for her to face is too much of a pressure.
Breaking down is inevitable.
I broke down too. Just that i stood up again.
But i've a gut feeling that i'm going to break down again, so doesn't change anything. xP
Anyways, my point is, i'll be stabbing all the people that make my friends breakdown. Promise.
Let's just sum it all up with "Life sucks". Seriously.
Fuck our lives. Maybe we got too lucky last 2 years, that's why all the suay-ness accumulated and kicked in this year.
School ? Boring.
MOB tutorial was boring.
Econs lecture was boring.
PACC lecture was even more boring, to the extent that we did our own things and she was still in her own world. Wtf, i think her teaching's going from bad to worst. Does printing the answers for us to copy into the textbook make us understand POA better ? Fyl, i'll sue you if my grades dropped because of your bad teaching.
Stats lecture was surprisingly okay, just that he was monotonous as usual.
Pretty much that's all.
There was a competition/audition in SB though. :D
Listened to people singing them and cheered and all.
Tons of people crowding to watch rather than attending their lectures, which includes me. :P
Okay, that's all. I'll consider blogging when i reach home tonight.
Waiting for Rachel to come ~ Argh.
Guess i'll sleep the time away ~
Alright, it's currently 8pm and i'm at home.
No see stars today because Rach didn't want to go, and it felt kinda weird if i went alone since i didn't know much people in astro yet.
Ohwell, there's still many more sessions to come, right ?
Still feeling quite depressed even though i didn't tell her how i really felt. Been pending it ever since the week started..
It's the only school activity that helps me destress. But i guess, for her, this once should be fine. I'll survive.
So instead of watching stars, we ended up converting all our hatred/grievances/complaints into food and decided to go eat as much as we could.
Too bad Rach didn't have enough money, so the only thing we ate was Pizza Hut. LOLs.
Walked around for awhile before going home.
Ahh ~ At this time, they should be looking at powerpoint slides, or see stars liao.
BOOHOO. But the sky at my house seems kinda reddish, like it's gonna rain soon. Oops. :P
I'm getting kinda depressed again.
Looking at how depressed everyone is. How much hatred everyone has within them. Those anger..
Damn, i've no idea how i'm going to survive 3years working with those people. Fml.
It's ironic how i'm trying to force the tears to come out, but it just refuses to cooperate, for the first time.
& when i keep holding it back, it just comes out and humiliates me.
Yah, i feel constipated right now. Not like i want to cry lor, please. Is because i'm depressed that i need to cry to release the frustration within, else i think i'm going to go BOOMZ soon.
Currently recruiting people to join me in crying. I don't mind hugging together as a group and sobbing together in a corner, perhaps staircase[?], and cry our eyes out.
Conclusion : I should stop listening to emo songs.
Life sucks so much, banging the wall and dying is much easier.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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