Saturday, July 24, 2010
Just got back from Ahgong's house.
Man, age is really catching up on him. He used to be so active even when he's 80. Now he's having all those ailments. ):
Hope he takes good care of his body, else everyone's going to be real troubled about it. >.< Problematic.
Sometimes i wonder why old folks can't take things easily, put everything down, and just enjoy life.
Instead, they rather complicate things further, making everyone around them suffer with them, and we all become unhappy eventually.
Ahwell, guess the older generation are still stuck in their olden days' thinkings.
I've been having weird dreams lately. Like seriously weird ones.
All of a sudden, some random people i know, but aren't that close with, just pops out and i don't even know what the heck is happening. Zzz.
& somehow, things proceeds into a nightmare. Just that not too much of a shock, only uneasiness.
Thankfully, i usually forget what i dreamed of when i wake up in the morning. It takes a great amount of effort to recall them, so being the lazy me, i didn't recall anything.
This is the first time i realised how good being lazy is. ;P
Must be thinking too much these days, all the nightmares were attracted to my negative thoughts and they decided to haunt me. -.-
I'd rather work extra hard, and be the one pulling up the grades, than to let my GPA suffer because of you people.
Even if i'll be on the losing end or being overly-pressurised, i'll do it, at least for this time round. Next time, if i'm stuck with you people again, i'll make sure i don't compromise that easily. ZZZ. I'm supposed to do tutorials now. But kinda no mood again.
I hate tutorials. ):
Doing tutorials used to be so fun when concepts and theories were all much easier. Only 3months passed, and things start to twist and turn, forming some real complicated things that i can barely grasp with the short time we're given.
Argh. Projects when the week starts, again. Fml.
Reminds me, i almost vomited when i saw that idiot's status on fb.
Fantastic. *Claps.
I'm so freaking proud of you for "falling in love deeply". Fyl.
-.- & you still had the guts to ask people to save you from "drowning in love". Wtf ?
C'mon, even if you're in love, i don't think there's a need to tell the entire world that right ? Besides, being the irresponsible you, "falling deeply in love" doesn't sound like a good thing, because it indirectly equates to "i'm not going to do my work ever again, because i'm DEEPLY IN LOVE". ZZZ.
Excuses lor. Please.
Sorry, i'll be looking forward to you being "falling down from love". (Y)
Not like i'm trying to be mean, but from your personality/characteristics, it's highly that way. Please stop ruining innocent girls' lives with your idiocity. Thanks.
It's kinda ironic how i'm going around encouraging all my friends that are depressed and down, while i'm equally depressed and not walking out from it.
Perhaps i'm just sad that friends are sad, so i want to help them, at the very least, even if i can't help myself..? -.-
Ahwell, hope they smile more, because their smiles are definitely better than frowns.
Finished Stats tutorial after freaking 3hrs, again ! Damn, i should have started earlier instead of dilly-dallying. D:
Haven't even completed PACC and Econs, omfg !
Okay, it's okay one. Cheryl can do it, because Cheryl, is the greatest. :DD I'll do it tomorrow or later when i feel like it. xP
Making my friends happy makes me feel accomplished. I found one of my life's purpose. (:
I'm feeling so damn optimistic, light and happy now.
It's been don't know how many freaking weeks since i've been genuinely happy and optimistic about life. I guess this means it's a good thing ? (:
Even if i can't take it anymore, i'll live, at least, for my friends.
3years, it'll be over soon. See, in the blink of an eye, 2010's half gone already !
Time flies.
Now i just need to meet up with them ! :D
I hope this happiness sustains itself for the rest of the 3years, because i definitely think that being happy is better than upset and frowning or depressed.
So all my friends out there that are having a hard time in school, just like me, don't fret, because you guys have me ! We'll work hard together ! (;
& i had this sudden thought of messaging one random person a day when i wake up, telling them how great the day would be and to be happy for the rest of the day.
But the consequences are that my phone bills are going to BOOMZ, definitely.
Ohwell, we'll see how. Maybe i just might. :D
& i'm glad that i actually have friends that cares about me. *winks
*Edits further.
I think heaven is playing with me lor, like seriously
I was having such a good time enjoying my who-knows-how-long-it-might-last happiness, then all of a sudden, this news just bombed me off.
Thanks lah.
Seriously, if they're going to say that they didn't get me my laser because i didn't reply to the email, i'll show them the reply i sent, right in their face.
Don't think i'm a pushover and that i'm going to say : "Oh, it's okay. I don't really need it anyway." In your dreams, assholes. -.-
Sometimes, things just goes out of your expectations.
Now i think i can gladly wait for my non-existent laser because of some idiots' fault. (Y)
Thanks for ruining my day just when it started.
I have a dream to fulfil and i need it to help me. Thanks assholes for ruining it completely.
Ironic how i can cry because of this. Fucktards.
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