Thursday, July 22, 2010
I have a joker father that thinks his daughter is 还在发育中, so he happily dumped one pigs' portion, for my dinner..
He could still laugh sarcastically as he told my mum about his fantastic action. -.-
I'll just end up throwing the remaining food away, plus i'm not really in the mood to eat these days..
Joker sia, seriously.
& his email was derived from the time i was hooked onto the Taiwanese boyband 5566. So he ended up creating the email, and added 8866 at the back. Damn wth. Sometimes i've no idea what's in my dad's head. LOL !
So joker, no wonder i'm a joke as well. :/
Anyways, woke up to a really cold morning.
That's both good and bad. It got so cold, the moment i woke up, my fingers were already freezing.
Was still considering if i should wear long sleeves to school. :/
But i guess i was too tired to even find something suitable for the weather, so i ended up wearing SP shirt and shorts again. HAHAA !
Kinda regretted on the way to school. -.-
Got so freaking tired, i slept my way to school and woke up with a start when i was still at Jurong East at 8.45. Wth, i should be more careful when it rains next time.
Rainy days hinders the speed of transportation, big time.
I was caught in the rain while waiting for the idiot traffic light to turn green. Couldn't jaywalk because there were too many cars, and i'm sure i wasn't sane/conscious enough to make it across successfully.
Back to when i was onboard the train, i woke up and i saw this woman that seemed like she was pregnant.
Sometimes it's kinda hard to differentiate between whether woman are pregnant or just plain fat.
I mean, if they're so fat that their bellies appears to balloon out like a pregnant woman's, then you'll be in a dilemma whether you should give up your seat or not. If you gave up your seat to someone that's just obese, then very malu sia. Like telling her in the face that she's freaking fat to the extent of being mistaken as pregnant. Furthermore, there'll definitely be passengers around watching, so it's going to be even more malu. :S
Anyways, this pregnant lady was standing, and the guy beside me was sitting on the reserved seat, don't know is pretend to sleep or real sleep lor.
So i was debating, and decided to let up my seat at JE, if she doesn't alight.
I waited, because i saw people standing up from their seats and alighting, and then, there was a free seat beside me, on my right, the man was on my left.
Fucking idiot sia. Don't know is got see but fake didn't see or really never see the pregnant woman, this idiot girl just sat down and started reading her fucking book. Wtf.
So i ended up standing up and giving up my seat. (Y)
Shocking right. I'm usually avoiding reserved seats so that i can avoid giving up my seat. But today, i actually stood up because i couldn't tolerate the 2 inconsiderate beings beside me.
Tmd, see liao also stab them in my heart. -.-
Even if nobody saw me giving up the seat, it's okay, because it kinda made me feel happier to know that i've done a good deed yet again. :D
Fine, maybe it's not used in this kind of situation, but *touchwood* later the pregnant woman fall down because the MRT keeps jerking, then the baby inside "shocked" how ? We all can't bring the baby back to life lor, please. I can only manipulate the weather, not the ability to resurrect. -.-
MOB lecture was okay because she kept us busy by making us copy tons of things.
Frankly, i've no idea what i copied throughout the lecture. But it's okay, since there's tutorial tomorrow, so she'll go through the notes again. :P
6hrs break. Went to eat at Fc4 ( freezing cold there >.< ), before heading to Main library.
LOLs, i wanted to laugh while crossing the road.
There was this big bunch of guys, from engineering school i guess, and they wanted to cross the road to Koufu. But because it was raining, they were taking their own sweet time to cross, and could see that they were quite reluctant to be drenched in the rain.
HAHAA, c'mon lah, be a man. Me and my friends were literally strolling in the rain. xD
Lucky i didn't laugh, later they come hoot me. :x
Booked project room at main library and continued MOB report compilations.
Didn't do much until JunHan came.
Tried to smuggle food in, but the stupid security guard stopped me as i entered the library like nobody's business. HAHAA.
But quite malu lah. :x
In the end, had to sneak around the library before successfully reaching the project room.
Blahblah, couldn't use the room because we didn't manage to book. ):
So had to wait again before heading to the next room.
Ate openly, then the security guard came again, and scolded KiangLeng. LOLOLs !
But damn wtf sia. People hungry also need scold. And still give that big boss attitude.
Oi, you're just a puny little security guard. Don't act as if you're my parents. -.-
Went to next room, put our bags and went to eat, again. LOL ?!
Headed to DBE lecture afterwards.
Boring lah, i just went there to support VJ. Was listening to music and doing my own things, as usual. Poor VJ, talking to himself and some attentive students. ):
Went home.
Slept my way back again. Fml, i think i'm really torturing my body these days.
I don't usually fall asleep outside, except on my bed. For some reason, i've been sleeping everyday, outside. -.-
Chatting with Lixuan now. :D
It's been awhile since i talked to her. Guess life's not that good in JC as well. D:
Everyone's depressed about results, GPA, and all other shyts.
Damn, we're all studying so hard just to get into university and get that piece of shyt paper. -.-
Realised every single post has at least one "fml". LOL.
I don't usually use the f word, if people knew me last time.
But now, circumstances made it such that, i'm so speechless, the f word is all that comes to my mind. =.=
Gotta go do report for MOB later on.
Don't feel like doing it tonight, but no choice. Our grades lies in my hands now. At least the report needs me to organise the points again. I'm good at organising things. :D
So it should be a piece of cake lah.
Consoling myself. LOLs !~
Okay, off to dump the remains of my dinner. Stupid dad, make me waste food. Next time my husband v ugly how ? ):
fullstop ~
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