Monday, July 19, 2010
Sometimes i wonder why people are able to tolerate others' attitudes. It's not like i don't give people attitude lah, it's just that, at times, can't some people just be a little not so nice so that you won't be bullied ?
Seriously, when i stand at one side, and i look at certain conversations, i'm sure i'll either slap or shoot that person. Maybe because i'm more sensitive than others, so i might misunderstand things easily.
Either way, if i've had these experiences before, trust me, i won't commit the same mistake again.
Once bitten, twice shy. Call me an idiot for life if i'm willing to be bullied by those people.
Damn fucked up. Life sucks when you constantly see these things on "play" mode every single day.
So i survived Monday. I sound like i'll die on every Monday.
Maybe that's true. Because it signifies the beginning of a new week, 4days to Friday and weekends.
Monday Blues aren't that easy to get over when your course just sucks ttm lah.
Sorry, it's not like i want to rant on how bad IB is. It's just THAT bad.
If some people out there are considering taking IB, please consider whether you're physically and mentally capable of handling the stress and pressure from the workloads.
Besides, you're competing with smartasses that can enter JCs, but unwilling to do so. Keep in mind, that burden's definitely higher than studying for Olevels in a neighbourhood school.
Well, the day wasn't exactly bad because SHINee has finally released all the songs of their new album "Lucifer" ! :D
Practically spent the entire day listening and downloading their songs. Totally no mood for lessons.
I'll catch up on Stats and Econs later. :P
Ironic, i should be studying harder for these 2 modules because they're the ones giving me a headache and making me feel 95% more stupid than before. Ahwell.
Anyway, managed to finish downloading during MOB. :DD
The songs are okay, generally.
Realised i usually like those not very commonly-liked songs in albums.
Love the "Life" in their current album, and not the big hits. No idea why. I must be mentally twisted.
Half the day passed by in the hastiness of trying to download all the songs.
Guess it kept me so busy i forgot how bad school life was, for the moment, that is.
SHINee's releasing their MVs tomorrow. ^^v
Something to look forward to again.
But after all these, what can i look forward to ?
& we'll have to start doing some projects. Life's going to pick up speed again.
3weeks, i won't break down in 3weeks, right ?
Sometimes when you're waiting for the worst thing to come, things ends up not as bad as what you expected.
But sometimes, it does.
Just depends on your personal luck and fate. I guess my luck ended the day i graduated ?
Or should i include everyone in Deyi, in 409 ?
See, i told you i can't put it down.
Circumstances makes it such that, the reason i'm still not breaking down, is because of all the memories and knowing that my friends are fighting alongside with me.
Sorry, i know i said i'll stop complaining about life and shut up, live with it.
As you can see, that's quite impossible as well.
That smile you see, doesn't touch the eyes. It's not genuine. Not from the bottom of my heart. Come to think of it, it's been awhile since i'm really, genuinely happy.
But who is ?
Time to grow up, and understand that becoming more and more unhappy is the process to adulthood.
Yeaps, it's definitely good to let a few tears escape. I doubt i'll have to wait till weekends. (:
fullstop -
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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