Saturday, April 12, 2008
This entry shall be all about the SYF earlier on. :D
Reached the National Stadium at about 2.30pm. Moderately warm and wet too. Several bands were practicing when we reached there, but couldn't see our band. Was kind of sad, frankly. Then ate tidbits and shared around until 4pm, when the competition began.
There were in a total of 9 bands and our band was the 8th. I think Mrs Chee wouldn't really like that arrangement because there might be cheats or something else. Anyways, quite a number of schools were ( no offence ) bad in performance. They dropped the mace and those props used for the gimmicks were left lying all over the place, seriously it was quite messy. Then TK was very strong an opponent. Gosh, the bass sound was so low it echoed throughout the stadium and I could feel the vibration there. Felt scared for the band.
When it was finally our turn, we screamed and shouted so actively. ( We were actually rather quiet while waiting for our bands' performance. But when it finally came, we somehow became awake. ;D ) Then, the music started off a little soft, but grew stronger gradually. But sadly, it wasn't as strong as TKs'. But it was heartening to see that the Drum Major, Joshua, managed to throw the mace so high up and land in his hands perfectly! He DIDN'T DROP it even once! :) And he did this special stunt like using the palm to spin the mace without holding onto it with the fingers! Stunned me. :D
Finally when all the bands were done, it was already 6pm+. Slacked around and rested. Until about 7 or 7.30pm, they were preparing to announce the results and all the 9 bands came out to the field in an orderly manner, except for a few bands. The Drum Majors were requested to step out to represent the band. Then they invited the MOE person to give out the awards. They gave all those certificates and we didn't receive any. I thought we had lost. But who knows. There was the official one coming right up! They gave the awards accordingly, from band no.1 to band no.9. TK got gold with honors. Seriously, everyone was quite sad upon hearing that as we thought we stood no chance. But when we heard those poorer bands getting either Gold or Silver, we regained confidence.
When it was our turn, we remained as quiet as possible. Then when the announcer said,"Gold..", everyone cheered, but I could feel that everyone was sad as we didn't get "with honors". But, soon after, the person added, " WITH HONORS!!!" OMG! Everyone was over the moon! :D And while in a happy mood, they announced the Best Drum Major award. I didn't hear it, but managed to hear the name of our Drum Major! Woots~ We got our second award! So happy! We defeated TK! I almost forgot about the existence of the award for "Best Display Band". -.-" Everyone in the stadium was unusually quiet. I was repeating, "Deyi Secondary School, please!". AND, WE GOT IT!! ^__________^ The whole band was cheering happily and dancing around. They cried, of course. Surely, their efforts paid off and I almost cried. I saw Elena crying and they played the whole song and tune again to celebrate!
Oh and most importantly, that award got us $30k! Meant for the school of course. Lol. But still happy for the band as it was really, a great record in history! :D We can add it into the history of our band already. I suppose, Mrs Chee and Mrs Chua would be damn happy. Me too! :)
So that's all. Shall not continue. Will encourage and congratulate Elena on Monday. I suddenly feel so happy for her and I don't know why. O.o Never mind. Bye ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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