Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hi people. I'm blogging today because of some 'special' events that took place today.
First of all, ELENA IS SICK!! OMG! So sad for her. I can imagine her breaking down because of all her works like, debate, band, studies, malay language and more band trainings. It's hard not to fall sick even if it was a person who is in good health. Hope she gets well soon, though. :D We'll help her collect the homeworks that is needed to be done so that she can catch up with us when she returns! ;)
Then, Shi Ping has found her Christian name! It's.... SAMANTHA! Lols. I don't really know exactly what happened, but then Korin started calling Shi Ping 'Samantha'. I guess, it turned out to be a joke. And we were laughing at her from the 1st floor's staircase, back to the walkway along the corridors. Ha ha. She still bragged about her artwork. -.- Under the influence of Mr Lim so quickly. They say that she is his daughter. Can't imagine that, and I don't wish to. =.=
Went to AMK Hub after school with Rach and Esther for lunch. Ate prata and shopped around. Bought some materials and headed back to school. On the way, it started raining heavily! Then I called her help to Li Xuan, but she and Reb couldn't 'save' us. So Esther called Adeline for help. She came back with only 2 umbrellas. ( Mine and hers. ) And Esther shared with Adeline, me with Rachel. Esther and Adeline were soaked! Felt bad towards Adeline for making her wet. T.T Sorry Adeline! I and Rachel managed to avoid the 'crisis'. Ha ha.
Went to tidy-up ourselves and had Art Club, which was BORING~. Then went home and played comp till now. Ok, don't talk. I'm going to eat some tidbits to relax myself from all those stress from the Report Book tomorrow. Hope I get at the very least 2 As!
Bye! Update if I get good grades. ;D
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