Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hi again. Been playing Maple from morning till now. Was shopping for that stupid Mushroom. -.- Either it was too expensive, or it was too cheap which meant that it has a stats that is totally BAD. I saw a Blue Marine at 10m. Cheap eh? Didn't buy it though, because it had no slots left and its MA was only 110, which is lower than my Codar! -.-" It's all giving me a headache. I wonder when I'll have enough mesos to buy the mushroom I want. But at least for now, I have more than 10m already! Half way to my target of 30m! =D
Ok, then later have to do some Maths, which is so boring and makes me sick because I don't even know how to do 1! -.- Well at least I can do some, but out of the whole thing Mr Hiew gave us as homework, I only did 1/4 of it. =.=" I am so in trouble tomorrow. So I have come to a conclusion of... COPYING! :D
Reb and Li Xuan are going to die tomorrow because... HA HA! I'm going to copy till crazy lor! Then they must lend me till they crazy themselves too. Ha ha ha. :) Ok, done for now. Shall be going le. Make something to eat. Bye! ;)
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