Sunday, March 23, 2008
Wee~ Back to blogging. Sorry, have been quite 'busy' lately. Ha ha.
Leveled in Maple! Finally. Level 88, which was once my dream level. But after buying that Blue Marine, it's 95 which I'm aiming for. Today went shopping and the same shop that sold my Blue Marine, was selling another one with better stats yet at only 10m! OMG! I bought mine at 15m lor. Not fair to me! Never mind, that's not the main point. But I'm currently in a dilemma about whether to scroll it or not. I'm afraid if it fails, then nobody would want to buy it after I use it, or I couldn't use it for making the Dragon Staff. Haiz. -.-"
Never mind, we'll come to that when I reach level 95. And my Snowman just died earlier on. ( Hurray! -.- ) So sad lor. But then it looks so cute in the inventory, seriously adorable! Want to pinch it. Ha ha. Going to buy cash tomorrow with Steffi after school. Or maybe not. Depends. Maybe walk there with some other people. We'll talk about that tomorrow. xD
There goes my $21. -.- So long never buy liao. The thought is simply, sad, because gotta waste money again. Haiz. No choice, blame it that I love Maple too much! :D
Ok, will stop here. Nothing to do so writing here. Steffi said there will be a test for Log tomorrow in her class. ( Class test, of course! ) Well, wish them a good luck! Don't fail! -.- Bye! Blog tomorrow or when free. ;)