Saturday, March 15, 2008
Weee~~ I am so relaxed currently, though not completely. :D
Played Maple.. I trained for awhile and slacked. Pandas and Grizzlies are totally adorable lor! I feel like squeezing them in the cheek. Lol. My 'pinching' habit is back already! Then off comp because didn't have the mood.
Guai kia de me went to do homework! ;D Can't believe it myself. Although I told myself that I shouldn't run away from reality, I still didn't have the mood to study. Well, at least I did it in the last minute. Ha ha. But sadly, I only finished the English Article and did only a few questions of A maths out of about 40++ questions in the exercises, overall. -.-" See liao also head big big. =.=
Then wrote some nonsensical crap about the article, like oral and also a bit like argumentative. Sounded quite repetitive sia. But who cares?! Others also write crap. Let's crap together! :) Then ate 'ancestor'. -.- Yesterday ate it, today also eat. Boring life. Sad life. Bad life. Lol. D:
Went to read books which I borrowed from the library. I am like leaving my Eldest in the lurch and here I am reading something else. Lol. Ok, dinner reach home liao. MCDONALD'S!! BYE! Update tomorrow. ;)
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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