Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Wee~ Back to blogging. :D
Currently doing Geog research with See Min, Rebby and Li Xuan. Well it's not exactly a research. It's sort of like a punishment. -.- That triple L lor. Today come to class and said that she would be letting us play a game and wanted us to test one another, in our groups, about the River chapter. -.- How dead is it? Then we managed to get it all right, ok, not all correct, but at least we managed to hit the main points. But those 3 honest ones want to do the punishment work, so I do also lor. That's what friends are for~
Then had 3 tests in a row. First was Bio, Dead. Then Chem SPA, Fun. Last was Maths, officially dead again. -.- Lucky Superman wasn't coming to class tomorrow, so I don't have to see those freaky marks! =.= QY said it was Killer Maths. -.-" Guessed so too. Korin still said it was easy for 309 people. Suan-ing again. Then SP was sad because... Ok, overall, she's sad. :)
Went to eat at Sumo's house. xD With Reb only. So sad. Ate Udon. Didn't waste/spend money unnecessarily! Was eating that orange and was being forced. >.< Reb lor! Made a fool out of myself while eating that. 1 word: Obscene. -.- Then the juice splat on her face! Ah ha ha! Lols. Ok that's all.
Bye! Going to do more 'research'. Bye! ;)
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