Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I shall blog since it has been quite a long time.
Went to AMK Hub today with Steffi and we were practically 2 lunatics. Well actually she was the one who made me become a lunatic as well. Then went to buy something to eat and made quite a lot of embarrassment for ourselves. Ate a Sausage Prata and Bubble Tea. Played with the fountain water. It all started when I saw this old lady touching the water to amuse the baby. But in the end, I and Steffi were the ones being amused instead. -.-"
She said to splash the water together but I just 'slapped' the water and it spewed out, hitting our books and backs. xD She deserved that! For playing this kind of childish games. xP Headed to our destination and bought what we wanted. Waited for 162 because it just took off when we left the shop. -.-" Lucky the wait wasn't long.
Reached home, bathed, used comp till now and preparing to off liao. There's a SS test tomorrow! Must revise and also do the Chem practical thing.
Summary: Changed phone and in Maple, I can fight Cerebes already! Yay to me! :D Ok that's all for today. Bye! Update when I feel like it.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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