Friday, March 14, 2008
Wow. It sure is chilly these days. Suddenly felt that it's quite good living near the equator. Can't believe what I'll look like when I'm in the cold. I'm hot-blooded! =D
So, played Maple for awhile just now and went around slacking. Did Sudoku as I was healing. Time is precious, it's too valuable to be lost. Ha ha. Ok, then anyway, I earned money! ^__^ Going 400k le. Yay! Currently saving for that Pyogo lor. What a waste of money! Then decided to log out and face reality. Running away from homeworks is SOO UNREALISTIC. So I have decided to face it and meet my doom. >.<>
Now, I will go through the slides of the Geography and do that stupid mindmap thing. What a burden, really! And I have like left Maths exercises 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8 and miscellaneous exercise!! OMG! To make it worse, I still have that English article which I have yet to finish! The only thing I finished was the draft of the geog mindmap and English Distinction. -.-"
So don't talk already. Shall update when I have won victoriously over that Geography! There I go! Bye! ;D
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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