Thursday, April 10, 2008
This blogskin looks quite cute so I used it. But there was some problems with the links because it just couldn't link to our webpages and there was my blog address right in front of the 'destination' address. -.-" So I've decided not to add any links and also tagboard, since nobody comes by and tag. So I shall just heck care and continue blogging. Do continue to read my posts, though! :D You might even get to see your name here! ^.^
Ok, for today, had SS test right in the morning and I practically seemed to screw it all up. Comparison wasn't that good, I suppose. Mr Goh didn't even know when the Citizenship Rights Act was established! Gosh. Later was English. Mrs Ang scolded those who did not do her homework. She was VERY mad. :( Then had MTL, which was boring as usual. My oral teacher is Mr Koh! Yay! But he said he would be strict, I guess I wouldn't believe him, since he doesn't seem to be strict through appearance! :) However, there is still a need to be mentally prepared! After MTL was Geog. Started the topic on Coasts which was totally AWESOME! Ms Lim showed us some pictures and it was totally fascinating! I feel like a sudden urge to rush to those beaches in other countries. Well, the web that she showed us, took pictures of the Taiwan beaches. But I don't recall it was so beautiful when I was there in person. In fact, it stinked like hell. >.<
Skipped recess and Mr Hiew didn't come! Woots~ It was boring during Physics, but managed to get something into my head and kill time. After that was VE. Headed to the hall and listened to some weird bands play music. Those beat and rhythm was so strong that the singer was shaking their heads with so much strength that I thought might cause them headaches. -.-" Then had a small talk about the trip to Shanghai! I want to go because they said that anybody who wishes to attend this 'exchange program' could ask for the consent form. Currently preparing to ask my parents! Hope they allow, since they had already helped me make the passport and I want to get my 2nd 'chop' on the book! ^.^ Wish me luck!
That's all for today. Shall update soon. Bye! ;)
Special reminder:
-SYF Military Band Performance at National Stadium (This saturday. Jy to all who are participating! (: )
-Geog test on Wednesday.
-Shanghai trip!
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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