Thursday, March 13, 2008
Yo people! I'm finally back to playing comp! Yay! So happy. Well put it simply, I broke down the day my comp broke down. Lol! Ok. So it happened the day before the Sec 3 camp and I was happily on-ing comp and suddenly the monitor refused to show anything on the screen. Scared me like hell lor! I was practically at the edge of crying already. -.-
So I just went for the camp and it was SUPERB! =D Although it was dirty, as expected, the trip to the waterfall was still fun! Felt so sad for Shi Ping and Steffi as they didn't join us. I could share with them the 'joy' during the entire activity. So, we, meaning half of the 309, managed to climb to the other side of the 'cliff'. Sort of lah. It was actually a rock so high up that we needed to rock climb up. I was trembling, head to toe at that height and I was chanting, 'I'm gonna die' to Wen Zhen. =.=" Really what! It gave me that impression. Lucky I landed safely with the help of the others. ^.^ Joined Reb and Elena. So happy to be with them. But sad that Angel, Li Xuan and See Min didn't make it though. We were playing with the water and made Mr Lee get wet with us. Lol! Took a group photo and headed back to meet the others who were struggling to walk back to trail. Getting down was easier than going up, because I really didn't need much help. I could just list about all the people that helped me when I attempted to go up, along the trail. Returned to the basecamp safely! ^_^ But that Mr Lee kept on creeping us and showed us the damages and evidences left behind by those wild boars. -.- He was going too far. It was already getting late and he's still talking about those creepy facts 'bout hogs. =.="
Ok, so slept in tents. And we made a totally weird-tasting instant noodles meal. Ethel and Karen just dumped all the edible ingredients and me with 3 other girls, just squatted down, eating all of it. Lol! Then Karen went about holding a spoon and a can of beans, feeding the girls and guys and so on.. She is like a.. MUM! xD She was quite happy, actually. Lols.
Next day went to Chalet! Woots!~ Slept in the same room with Li Xuan, Reb, See Min, Elena and Angeline. Did some cooking and ate it for lunch. Then I forgot what le. Lol. Anyways, it was so damn cooling when we returned to our chalets to take a shower! Shiok lor! Then it was Night time which meant Party Time, in another way. Took a peep outside and saw Mr Lee, the maths teacher. He was outside the girls' dorm. Just found out that a guy snuck into the room, that's why Mr Lee was standing there to 'capture' him. Ha ha. Then visited the guys' dorm which was so crammed, because all the guys in the class was sleeping in the same dorm. -.- Decided not to go in because of some weird feelings. Returned and headed to bed since there was nothing to do.
The last day was ok, but we never got the chance to take a swim in the pool, which was so saddening lor. Went home! Wee~~ Our class got alot of awards. People were looking at us with a red eye. Ha ha.. But not our fault mah! :( Then they gave us the tidbits that the teachers confiscated from the students as our awards. What the heck?! Lucky we got a lot of awards so in the bus, everyone was passing the snacks around and we ate and ate and ate. After eating, sleep. -.- Felt like a pig. Reached custom. Finished fast, then went back to school. Found out a criminal was on the loose! OMG!
Then dismissed, reached home, comp not fixed, bored. =.= So after that, watched TV, sleep. And it continued until today! Wee~~ So happy. Actually the comp was supposed to be delivered at a later time but the guy called me and he changed the time earlier and here I am playing and enjoying le! ^_____^
Ok, that's all. Well, I bought 'Eragon' and 'Eldest', which costed me a bomb. Didn't dare to tell mum. In case she gets angry and mad at me. Haiz, sad life. Ok, don't talk. Time to do homework! Bye! Update when I happy, don't update when I sad. :D
Ciao ciao~ ;)
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