Saturday, October 23, 2010
I hate it when i'm away from the computer for just a day and everything starts getting spammed.
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr. It just continues loading and i've to keep scrolling down i just feel like punching all those who spams the news feeds/timeline.
Anyways, been in school for 13hrs. Not 14 today because PACC tutorial started 1hr later, thank goodness else i'd be dead.
Miracle happened for my PACC and Econs paper. I guess there's really hope for my GPA though Macroecons ain't gonna be a friendly challenge.
I guess Elena's theory was wrong. Really wrong.
GEMs was okay. It would have been perfect if not for the rather weird people there who dressed weirdly or had weird hairstyles. Design school students ?
Just felt out of place but luckily i've got Steffi. I think apart from the two of us, the others are all from other faculties. ZZ. Totally didn't understand the lecturer's words because everything was design-termed.
But i guess it's one of the right choices to have joined her because better to be with a friend than being all alone and ending up being partnered to maybe some damn cui person.
Since her lecture was cancelled, headed to Hilltop to do tutorials. So hardworking siol ~
Still feeling rather happy that i managed to complete 2 tutorials rather than wasting time slacking like i would have if i were alone.
If not for the overly-chiongster Econs teacher, i'm done with the weeks' tutorials already. On a brighter note, at least it was time well-spent at the library. (;
Though we did take mini breaks here and there, doing retarded things, talking and going through braindead phases, it was still nice to hangout with her since we were never in the same class until 4years later.
Sent Chaongin the random picture i promised her. Sometimes i like to do these kind of weird random things and i don't really know why.
Just to make people smile ? I don't know, i just find it sweet. Hope she really cheered up. :)
After waiting for Rach and her group of friends, headed for dinner. With the addition of all the newcomers, we've actually increased the number of people in our "clique" to 10 and that's like making up a big part of Astro already. LOL.
Somehow i still feel like they're those 三分钟热度 kind. Okay, at most give them till 五分钟. Judging by the way they were complaining about how boring it was even though it's just the first session for them, i doubt they'll come back for other sessions unless it's something that captures their attention.
But either way, feeling happy i saw the pretty Moon and Jupiter. Disappointment from the meteor shower though, obviously. What to do ? Stupid haze.
I guess today's been the most tiring day since school started and i'm sure there'll be even longer ones in the near future. Walked the entire campus, literally. No joke, i think i can collapse anytime.
The 3 of us were so tired we just slept the entire way back.
It wasn't a really peaceful sleep though, since there's this freaking psychotic guy that keeps looking at me. Wtf is his problem sia.
It's getting rather ridiculous that there's so many weirdos running around Singapore but nobody's putting them into IMH. ZZ.
You sit, they stare. You stand, they stare. You sleep, they stare. You listen to music and look around, they stare.
Wtf, don't they know that it's basic manners to avert their gazes ?
That guy just gives me the creeps and it's just the first week of school. Imagine meeting one each week, fml.
Anyways thanks to my STM, i forgot to bring Stats book and Rach had to go back home with me to take it. Yes, after Astro so by the time we reached home it was about 11.15.
I'm such a good friend lah ! I was afraid there might be psychos hiding somewhere since she's prone to attracting psychos, so i went to the bus stop with her sia.
Somemore i jaywalked just to hail the bus for her if not she's gonna have to wait for another 15mins.
I cancel my thought about sitting at the void deck and enjoy the breeze. It's freaking cold and with perverts running loose, not a very good idea.
So that marks the week and commencement of the first weekends since school reopened !
Yeaps, if i didn't constantly remind myself that it's just the first week, i might have thought school started for about 2 or 3 weeks now.
Only the first week and it's so tiring that i practically slept my way to school or back home most of the time.
Tell me what happens in the next 2years..
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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