Sunday, October 17, 2010
School's starting tomorrow and the thought of it makes my heart beat million times faster like i'm going to see Jonghyun, fml.
Just hoping that insomnia doesn't come tonight because i'll seriously regret if i didn't get enough rest for tomorrow.
Though it's not 8am lessons for Mondays, but the 2hr tutorials seem draggy enough & i'm ashamed to say that i've forgotten which block is which, apart from knowing where Business school is located at.
But i'll be on my way home before 5 so that's something to celebrate about.
Plus Starbucks is officially opening tomorrow ! :DD
Now there's another thing worthy of opening another bottle of champagne.
Went to look up at the website in hope of reading an article related to it but apparently, they didn't really bother to update so quickly.
As i browsed through the webpage, i felt that same stingy feeling i had when i was looking at it while choosing schools earlier this year.
Still feels rather alien to me.
& i concluded that i didn't really detest SP. It wasn't really the school's fault.
I just pushed the blame on SP for my willingness to let the miseries consume me.
Frankly, i kinda pretty much like it. Maybe it's because of the food and the environment. LOL, yes i am that materialistic.
This explains why i'm having the "can't wait for school to start" mood right now and i think i am in serious need of a slap.
Freaking thing, i'm going to have to bring my laptop to school on the first day already.
I'm going to pick up the art of teleportation from where i left off before holidays came.
& yes, if i do fail which i highly doubt so, you can find me at Starbucks. I've decided that i'll wait for the love of my life there instead of McDonalds like what that Octopus Paul predicted.
Anyways, went to pray again.
I think i've really been heading to the temple every week since holidays commenced.
Total devotion. (Y) LOL !
Though i'm still rather reluctant to leave the comforts of my home with 5 freaking mosquito bites on my leg and i'm forced to wear shorts because jeans just makes things worst.
In the end, my supposed shopping trip turned out pretty much empty-handed.
& we went to the library for no reason and my Dad kept asking me to borrow relevant business books that were so freaking thick i mosaic-ed the entire section of the books from my brain.
Saw those students studying for Olevels and it reminds me of what i did last year.
Okay, i didn't really study outside much because i'm more comfortable at home & because i always woke up late that there's usually no more tables left when we reached.
Ohyah, before i go, i'm going to come up with a new list of resolutions for this term.
1. Spend less time eating.
2. Spend more time studying Jap.
3. Spend even more time studying business-related books like what my Dad wishes me to.
4. Be more optimistic than ever.
5. Restrain myself from saying vulgarities though i know it's impossible the moment i typed this out.
6. Save money.
7. Stop oversleeping and bringing adapter to school without the laptop.
8. Work very much harder in all aspects.
9. Laugh even more often than the previous semester. Obviously, crying MUST be removed.
10. & stop hoping that December comes because it'll be exams before holidays.
I'm not keeping my hopes high on this resolution list because resolutions don't usually get fulfilled. LOL.
Well, i've got certain things in mind but only time will tell if it all works out.
Hwaiting !~
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