Wednesday, October 20, 2010
MSN has finally been updated.
But i'm not sure if it's a good thing i changed it or a bad thing i don't know how to use it.
That's why i said i hate changes. Especially technological ones.
I think it's time i started worrying about how i'm going to handle ITB.
& i just watched this variety show teaching people how to apply makeup in less than 10mins so that they wouldn't have to wake up early in the morning just to prepare for work.
I've got a feeling i'll suck at that as well.
Everyone's been into the make-up trend these days for some unknown reason.
At times when i step into the class, i wonder if i'm going to school or a fashion parade.
Anyways, i'm just hoping time flies tomorrow so that the 3hr tutorial is gone asap.
& that Friday comes faster so it's the end of the week again !~
They say they have to stay in school for 13hrs tomorrow.
Then what should i say if i'm staying in school for 14hrs every Friday ? Tsk.
I've to figure out what i'm gonna do during that period or i'll be bored to death and sitting there alone like a complete moron.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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