Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Even though we say it's okay and put on a smile, obviously the heart doesn't agree with the words.
I wish i'm more aware of the feelings of those around me more.
Sometimes i don't even know whether i offended them or not. Maybe because i'm used to the constant teasings that i find it difficult to speak with zero sarcasm.
"虚伪" is basically glued to "speaking nicely". Doesn't it feel like you're closer with the person when you tease one another rather than speaking oh-so-friendly 24/7.
Scenario 1 :
*虚伪ness/Speaking nicely*
A : Omg that shirt looks so nice on you it just brings out your elegance and unique personality !
B : Nah it's nothing. I think those shoes of yours are nicer. They're so cute that i bet all the girls in the world would want a pair of them !
Scenario 2 :
A : Oi, you how old already still wear something so weird. Ohyah i forgot, clothes that are worn by you will always be classified as weird.
B : You aren't anywhere better ! Look at those shoes. Want act cute ah ? Epic fail lor please.
**Thinking : I'm not going to admit it even though it really does look nice. :D
Don't you find the first scene rather dull and boring and stupid and retarded and plain idiotic ?
But thanks to this mindset, offending people is something that's inevitable. And, it gets worst when the other party's a petty person. More often, girls.
Imagine if you have good intentions, but the other person interprets it as a bad one because the way both parties does things is different, that's like so 冤枉.
I think that's why girls are always more problematic than boys and that's why i don't like to hangout with people that keeps finding things to talk about and especially those that keeps shooting their own foot.
One of the reason why being a boy is better than a girl. (Y)
Anyways, all these aren't exactly my main point.
I was just trying to remind myself that i should be sensitive to my surroundings but because i can't really relate it together and also partly to do with my overly-imaginative mind, i ended up with all these crap.
But don't you find such craps better than talking about school ?
To me, i'd rather share opinions than constantly remind myself about what i'm going through currently. As if i needed more miseries in my life.
Okay, gonna go sit near the fan. I'm so freaking hot even though the fan's facing me.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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