Sunday, October 10, 2010
I woke at 1010, and i forgot this happened in a 100years, i ended up going back to sleep. (Y)
About 10mins ago, it's the second 1010101010, and i missed it again. (Y)(Y).
I think i'll see more of 1111 instead of 1010s.
Anyways, too much going on in my head i can't say what's going on right now.
All i can say is, never overthink.
When you see through things, you see through all the walls and reality is never something you wanna know if you can live in an illusion.
School's starting in a week. Time passes too quickly, i hope time stops now.
But come to think of it, even if it did stop, i would never realise since i'd be freezing in time with it.
So that's like a vague hope. I should just pray holidays extend for another week.
Stab my heart. My cousin's having 2weeks more of holidays than i am. Fmlfmlfml.
& GEM is giving me a headache.
Do not be fooled by its name. I thought it sounded so precious when i entered SP at first. In the end it's just 烂泥一堆.
Somehow though, i'm thankful i gave up Diploma Plus. Imagine if i had that, and projects, plus stupid GEMs, i'd have a nervous breakdown.
Besides, the more time i have on my hands, the better it is since i'll be able to do my own things. (;
After almost a month, i can only say that, i still dislike technology.
& that i should really go exercise for a bit more.
My dreams are getting weirder by the day.
Violent, at the same time too. No idea why. It gets rather eerie when you recall, but not during the dream, i guess.
Anyways, i never knew i had the guts to face ______ and asked them to 现身, or killing snakes with Baygon. (Y)
Overly creative imagination ?
Have i said this ?
Fuck, school just makes me hyperventilate and panic.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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