Saturday, October 9, 2010
The future seems so uncertain.
I can't exactly see it since everything's more or less like a blur.
& with so many issues going on around, i'm not sure if it's going to go smoothly at all.
All thanks to the website i just read, i'm having chills on the thought of what lies ahead of us all.
If i didn't see it, i wouldn't have known, and i guess i'd be ignorant.
But somehow, if all these are really going to happen, i wish i never knew so that at least i wouldn't live in fear everyday.
Now i'm basically trying to calm myself down though how effective it is i'm not so sure.
Sucky thing is i'm supposed to wake up at 9am later on and it's 1 now. ZZ.
Anyways, i hope school's all good.
Even though i say i'm not going to give a damn about them, it's kinda hard to totally erase their existence when you're going to see them every minute, every second.
The 5weeks holiday has allowed my brain and heart to recuperate from all the constant torments everyday.
I hope it has healed enough to tolerate till the next holiday.
I just realised that i've been going to the temple every Sunday so i guess that's something good ?
& i'm on a mission to thank 观音妈 for giving me the emotional support and getting such good grades though the greedy me isn't satisfied with it.
&& to pray that everything goes well once school reopens.
My mum always say that when i'm having exams or getting back my results, the busiest person isn't myself, but 观音娘娘. Make me sound like some kiasu aunty go there spam wish sia !
It's shocking how my blog posts during school days were so emo back then, and now, i'm like in cloud nine and ready to face it all again.
I think i'm just courting death and i'm having a gut feeling that i'll regret this thought the first day i step back into campus.
Ohwell, better to be optimistic for awhile than to be pessimistic all the while.
I think i've been overly-expressing my 感恩 towards my parents, they're having all these wild guesses that i need their help in some things or that their daughter wrecked havoc somewhere. -.-
Am i really so materialistic that even my own parents regard my thanks as 没事献殷勤 ? ):
But i'm really glad i made that decision. At least i can show them that i'm old enough to use the rice cooker. LOL !
Not bad for a first-timer. :D
Even though i've been at home for about 2days now and not having much plans to go out, i'm not boring myself out.
Probably thanks to the book. HEH.
But it's rather depressing to know that i can't really form sentences well with the insufficient vocab i have.
Though i've gotta say i'm happy i can read its characters. The matter of understanding it is another question. LOL.
I hope i can keep this up. It's getting tougher to get it in my head when i'm not sure if i'm writing Jap or Latin at times.
When other people are working on their math, i'm working on language. I wonder if i'm ever going to get the chance to put it to use.
After i'm done with this, i might continue with Korean. (:<
For now, Nihongo wa gambatteh ne ! ;)
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