Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Adopting the "heck care and slack" attitude for the day.
Should be glad that the effort sorta paid off. But when you're afraid that your efforts goes down the drain, it'll be a different story.
The only right thing to do now is forget its existence.
& i'm not the worst-off.
Must always keep that in mind.
Optimism came back to its mum. :D
Okay, i'll start on econs tomorrow.
On the thought that i haven't touched it ever since holidays commenced, i feel so doomed.
But then again, nobody else has. Which makes me not the only one who's feeling that doomed. LOL.
Monday might seem far, but in fact, it's within reach. It's already the 2nd week. Can't imagine how fast time flies.
Hwaiting !~
To save up for a trip to Korea at the end of year2/3. Okay, what next ? A trip to Japan after going to Korea ?
2k is no small sum. & i still haven't saved my 500bucks for the phone next year. Wtf.
Yeah, i knew the saving-up plan was gonna be an epic fail the moment it started.
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