Thursday, July 15, 2010
I just saw the number of posts i have on this blog, and shockingly, it has already hit 340+.
Didn't know i had so many things to blog about.
Okay fine, maybe there weren't too much things. But because i was overly-bored, so i decided to blog to kill time. :x
Anyways, to be exact, it's the 346th post. :D
Today's the unfortunate day where we're supposed to have the debate.
As expected, we lost.
It's kind of obvious though, that we'll be on the losing end since we don't have much real life situations to use as examples and support our claims.
Pathetic, but overall, it was still okay.
I'll have to kick the habit of stammering though, even if i could pronounce the words. Hmm.
It was rather funny to observe the other group stammering and shivering as well. LOLs !
I sound so sadistic. xD
But for a guy, his shaking hands are really.. :P
After the debate, had freaking 3hr break.
Went to Jurong Point to eat and walked around.
Nothing much, except constantly joking around and making a fool out of ourselves.
Headed back to school for DBE lecture.
Total waste of time since VJ's lectures are always so free and easy. :S
Felt kind of sad for him. The only reason why we even bother to go back to school and attend that lecture before going home, was because of the attendance.
Seriously, we were all doing our own things, like watching dramas, using facebook, listening to music, chatting on MSN etc.
Practically 0% of what he said, went into my head.
The only thing i was aware of, was the overseas trip that he brought up, meant for DIB students, as well as DBA students specialising in International Business.
India, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
Come on, don't they have other alternatives ?
Perhaps Japan or Korea..?? :/
I might consider if they allowed. But the trips costs 2k, 500, and 900 respectively. Fml.
Where the hell am i going to find this sum of money just to go on some overseas trip.
Furthermore, everyone's like so freaking kiasu and enthu that they raised up their hands immediately after VJ asked who was interested.
ZZZ. Haven't discuss within our clique, then others already raise their hands asking for the form.
Might as well drop the idea.
I'd rather go there on my own, and with my friends someday. -.-
Somemore we have to do freaking diary again.
Bad memories from China trip where we have to write reflection everyday before heading to bed. =.=
Home-d afterwards.
Waited 15mins for the trains. 5mins at Dover, 10mins at JE.
LOLs ! Smart right.
For some unknown reason, there was a much bigger crowd at the MRT stations these few days. So it was super duper crammed.
Since we all wanted seats, i suggested going to the opposite side of JE so that we could have a higher chance of getting seats.
In the end, when the train came, we were so "lucky" to be at the cabin where there were more space for standing than sitting.
Had to alight and board the next train. So there went 10mins.
Ohwell, at least we made a profit of 35mins. :P
I'm dead sure after 3years, even if i can't get my course's diploma, i'll definitely receive a degree for typical Singaporean & auntiness behaviour. (Y)
Erh. Methods of survival okay !
Newbies can never win me. MUAHAHAA !
Will teach you guys some tricks when i'm free. Good things must be shared right ? :P
The day wasn't too bad since everyone was more or less relieved debate was over and done with. Now we'll wait for 29th to come and do our trial presentation for CIP.
I'm free for the rest of the week ! :D
So going to relax and enjoy life for a little longer before i continue with the 2 other projects.
Damned reports. ):
Still need to find time to go down to the Russian Embassy.
God knows where that place is. Sounds so "ulu". Telling me that it's situated at Botanic Gardens doesn't help because i have no idea where that is as well. -.-
& i call myself a Singaporean. D:
At this rate, i'm not surprised if i find another strand of white hair someday later.
Tutorials are stacking up each week, projects due in 2-3weeks, exams coming in 6weeks, nothing prepared nor accomplished.
Fml. And i still wanted to enjoy life.
The thought of studies makes me go SIAN.
So originally, from the ":D" mood, i'm now at the "-.-ZZ" mood.
& i saw many freaking nice Converse shoes today ! OMFG !
I'm so going to save up and buy one for myself. :D
The following paragraph is dedicated to this very special person.
You know, whether you come or not, doesn't mattter. Because we might actually perform much better in your absence.
Plus, if you consider your mere hundred-plus words report as "doing your part", then i'll have to dash your hopes and say that you weren't even doing as much as what the others had done.
They, at least, came up with useful rebuttals while you sat there doing who-knows-what, and not coming up with your part of the script.
Luckily i was smart enough to not include your part so we wouldn't have to waste time waiting for you to complete yours before we could print the final thing out.
Seriously, if you don't wish to come, just say lah.
Quite pathetic, come to think of it. You actually have to find lies to cover up your absence. I'd be looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
May you recover from your "high fever" ASAP, and hope it doesn't fry your brains. (:
Damn fucked up. To think you were so irresponsible, and proving how irresponsible you are to the extent of throwing everything at us and going on "MC". I don't mind throwing my GPA because of my own actions. But if i had to dump it down the drain because of you, i'll make you go down with it too.
I'm just having a great time seeing what kind of "situations" you can come up with.
For a guy, i must admit you have a weak immune system. Even weaker than mine, roflmao !
At least, i'm not down with high fever more than once a month.
I think i'll be in IMH by now, if i did.
Alright, maybe i'm too harsh on you.
Just to comfort you, in case you get too upset/guilty,
we did fine without you, so no worries. (:
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