Sunday, July 11, 2010
Having monday blues already.
& the day barely started.
Recalling the days when i dreaded mondays like it was my personal jinx.
My favourite day now shall be friday, again. :D
Half the reason is because i get to look at pretty stars, even without telescopes.
Sometimes, sitting under a star-filled sky, and talking about things, is one of life's pleasures.
Too bad Singapore doesn't have much natural scenary, else i'll most probably find some friends to camp there with me and emo. HAHAAs.
Was talking to Elissa on MSN, and i think, i must have got too depressed.
Oh wait, there's no need to "think". I'm dead sure i'm insane.
I told her i wanted to go downstairs, and sit on the steps and stare at the road and do nothing.
Wtf right. At 12am. Somemore the temple is so near my house. Later... -.-
Sigh, i wish we lived nearer to one another.. At least, we can keep one another company on such lonely nights.
And i just thought of what i want to be after i die [ which is not going to happen in the near future unless 2012 comes, else it'll be about 40 more years before i do ].
I want to become a star. :D
Not the kind that stands on a stage and sing and dance kind lah. The actual twinkling star kind.
I thought about the advantages so as to persuade myself this decision is good. [ I'm mad. Trying to prove advantage of something that might happen after i die. ]
1. I can look at people on Earth, and see how every single person lives. The differences.
2. I can guard over the people i love.
3. I can shine for them, and let them know i'll always be there for them regardless.
I think i can watch over them for many eons, since stars don't die so early.
But it'll be boring, no doubt, to be in an empty space with no sound, just emptiness surrounding me.
As you can see, it's the 2nd post of the day. Shows how bored i've been all day.
Bored to the extent that i went back to my olden days of stalking people.
I get really curious about what people do when they're online. Like seriously, you're online for almost the entire day, on MSN and FB.
But i cant even find things to do on FB after an hour, so what the hell were you doing ? -.-
So i started observing them by seeing what time they logged in, their statuses, what recent activity they have, and what time they logout.
Typing this makes me feel psychotic. Dammit.
I should seriously find something to do during the weekends so that i stop wasting my life away. Could have put it to much better use.
But i doubt circumstances allow, because i'm going to be really busy again this week, thanks to 3 projects heading my way.
Feel like digging a hole in the ground and burying myself inside.
I'm becoming more and more cowardly. Where did the previous 打不死的小强 attitude go to ? :/
Muttering to myself over here again..
Yes, i'm mad.
Sometimes when you're feeling down, you just hope someone will hug you and say "It's gonna be okay"..
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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