Saturday, July 17, 2010
I'll blog about this very long day since my hair's still wet and i can't sleep just yet.
Started the day with : I'M SO FUCKING TIRED, clouding my head. -.-
Took MRT with Rach, and on the way, met Nab coincidentally. Sucha small world to actually be on the same train. HAHAAs.
Had MOB tutorial. Still okay since our answers were all correct. But we were mostly doing our own things, so it's kinda boring at the same time.
1hr break was boring as well.
Econs lecture was ZZZ. I was literally dozing off there, and i was dead sure i fell alseep for about 1min before i woke up with a start. I told myself that i was going to stay awake ! For some reason, he kept droning on and on about the same few things that i found myself in dreamland instead of econsland.
PACC lecture was definitely much better than Econs. But still, nothing much.
Stats was okay. Easy chapter, i must admit, except for the formulas. -.-
After school, all of them decided to head to Expo for some fair and flea market, WITHOUT ME ! ):
Couldn't just leave Rach and CCA for those things, so i ended up sitting at a table and doing tutorials, with Crystal waiting for her "cookie".
Sad life lor. 2hrs alone sia. Thank god i had my laptop with me. =.=
5pm, Rach dismissed, headed to FC4 to slack till 7pm.
CCA was stupid at the front.
Why ? Because they played guessing games ! Somemore still need "volunteers" to go up and draw/act. Luckily i'm not one of them. :P
Our team was damn fast, so fast that the seniors asked us to be a little more dumb. HAHAA !
In the end, we won.
Seriously, i don't get some parts of the presentation. Perhaps because of the presentation skills..? :/
Guess i'll have to take note of these things the next time i present for my modules. I don't want to bore the marker out. :x
Went to stadium to see stars.
Because it rained earlier on, so the sky was rather cloudy and we couldn't really observe the sky much. In the end, only talked about how to set up the telescope and all.
I guess it's time i started recognising some of the patterns. Memorising their location from the stadium is NOT going to take me anywhere.
So freaking shocked that Sagittarius actually swapped positions with Scorpio. Now Sagittarius is hiding behind the SingTel tower. ):
Ohwell, time to observe some other things too. ^^
Headed home awhile later because it got so cloudy, most of the stars got hidden.
& wtf is wrong with people these days ?
It's MY business whether i like to see stars or not.
Is it even YOUR area of concern ? Mind your own freaking business. -.-
Plus, what's wrong with Astronomy ? You mean only sports CCA are considered good CCAs ?
If you can't handle the stress, and end up not attending, that's like even worst than joining non-sports CCA right. ZZZ.
C'mon, grow up. It's what i like to do.
Stop comparing and saying things like : Others are taking sports CCA, and you're not.
At least i learn things in the process lor.
"To each his own", haven't you heard of this ?
Fuck all those people that thinks that looking at stars are just a waste of time.
There were tons of people on the MRT, at 1045pm. Wth is this. =.=
In the end, me and Rach sat opposite one another.
Slept all the way from JE back to Bishan. It's been awhile since i've really slept all the way back lah. Proves how tired i am these days. I wasn't this sleep-deprived during Olevel period lor. This is just human torture.
Anyways, lucky for us, we were sleeping, because someone vomited and we didn't notice until we alighted at Bishan station. Damn disturbing.
My original hunger ceased instantly. -.-
Though i'm still hungry now, it's not as bad as just now.
& stupid 52 cheated our feelings. Wth, i should have punched the driver lor. It was supposed to arrive at 1146. In the end, even 410 came first...
But for now, i'm just glad to be home.
We were literally screaming when we watched the video. :x
I'm still not used to Taemin's long hair, Onew's center-parting, Key's half-botakness.
But their songs are nice ! <3
I should start watching my health right. Been having gastric lately even though i'm sure i've been eating. Hmm, must be the timing..? & my neck hurts now. Am i suffering from osteoporosis ? LOLs. My knee-joints are weak, my neck is weak, my bones cracks when i carry my laptop, i get nerve cramps when switching hands to carry my laptop, and many more problems. Too bad, at the end of the day, i'm still weak.
So many things to say, but not having the courage to do so.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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