Saturday, July 17, 2010
My blog's more or less, going back to the constant and regular updates like last time.
It's not a good thing because it's rather wordy on my blog. But never mind, i like it. (:
Today went to watch "Despicable Me" with Rach & Esther !
& that 1year wait was really worth it. Highly recommend people to watch it. (Y) ^^
Touching, hilarious, uber cute, all put into one movie.
After that, went to Expo for the fairs and exhibitions.
I just realised that movies do drain my energy much much faster than shopping.
I'll be so dead, i don't feel like talking, and my brain just doesn't work. Damn. -.-
It's going to be a problem since we'll usually be catching a movie before going out.
Slept on the way to Expo. Shows how tired i was. =.=
The flea market, food and electronics fair, all disappointing.
Didn't buy anything, which might be good since i've to start saving up money for my Converse ! (:
Headed to Tampines for the Uniqlo since Rach wanted to see what kind of clothes are on sale.
Seriously, F21, Uniqlo and Cotton On will NEVER be the place where i shop. The clothes feels totally weird to me, so i think it'll only suit everyone except me.
Walked quite a lot, got even more tired and hungry. Bought muffins. Love it ! :D
Went home after that.
Took 1 pathetic picture on the MRT with a train full of people looking at us while we attempted to finish posing and taking to reduce embarrassment.
And it's so annoying when those people constantly looks at us lah, wth.
Erh, never see people take pictures on the MRT before is it ? -.-
I'm fine if you look at us when we're taking, but it's NOT fine when you guys constantly "look" at us after the picture was taken. Wth is your problem ? =.=
Felt like animals on the loose lah, seriously.
McDonalds' is my dinner. Pathetic.
There're people having a BBQ and i can't hear their screaming, wth.
But i'm envious of them. When can i do that with my friends ?
And those screamings, are kinda getting on my nerves.
I'm supposed to be doing my Stats tutorial now. But for some reason, i'm just lazy.
So i guess i'll slack for the entire Saturday and do it tomorrow.
Ask me why ar. I also don't know lor. Just no mood.
6weeks to exams and counting.
3weeks to study. But i'm only in the mood for playing. I'm not born to study even if i can. I don't mind staring at a starmap, but not maths. Maths feels like it was created to torment me.
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @

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