Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Can't wait for tomorrow to be over, omfg !
Damn debates.
I guess my hatred for debates signifies the ending of my "lawyer" dream the moment it begins to take flight. So it might be a good thing i didn't take up law.
Either way, let's hope i don't end up screwing everything.
Must ensure my brain is in top form for tomorrow ! ._.
Woke up freaking early when i could go to school at 1pm.
7am sia, kns. I'm like having bloodshot eyes already. Wth. -.-
But it was more or less worth it since we managed to complete most of the things. :D
Now let's see what the opposing team has to say.
I hope they end up with personal attack so we can argue that it's irrelevant. xD
Had PACC tutorial after that. Total waste of time.
Went to AMK Hub to eat Pepper Lunch and have Koi. Wtf right ?
Imagine eating these in the name of project. -.-"
Never heard of such a ridiculous project before..
Anyways, it's been awhile since i've been to AMK, though i'll pass by it every single day.
Those days...
I'm so freaking proud to say that it can be considered more or less, my territory. HEHEE.
Went home at 6pm. Siao one meh.
Stay at AMK for 3hrs. I never stayed there for such a freaking long time unless i went to catch a movie or headed to the library. =.=
Saw some familiar faces. Nothing else.
& i still have no idea why Koi has the ability to attract so many people to buy their milk tea.
Tastes nicer because it's more expensive right ? To me, that's the case lah. If not, i can't even taste the difference. @.@
No appetite during dinner. Only ate 1/4 of the entire portion ? LOLOLs !
This must be the reason why i'm still skinny. :P
Freaking tired, but don't wanna sleep.
ONOW points, i don't really have much confidence.
I should have more self-confidence right..? Easier said than done lor.
The best solution is to sleep it away ~ xD
Bumped into a classmate at AMK. I meant DIB classmate.
Super shocked he has a girlfriend lah. HAHAA ! He's like, so shy and quiet in class, apart for the lameness..
Too bad he needs a little more guts, because while he was "massaging" his girlfriend's shoulders [ probably aching due to being overly-tired..? ], we walked up to him and disiao-ed him a little. When he saw us, his first reflex reaction was to put down his hands and act as if nothing happened.
Man, he should learn to be a little more thick-skinned. Someday we'll give him some good advice. ;D
I sound like i'm plotting an evil plan to screw an innocent guy's love life. LOLs !
Okay, that's all. Boring day, as usual. What to expect ?
I'll be looking forward to know the results of the debate. But i guess, i don't have to use my brains to know it's very obvious who's going to win.
Use your butt think also know morally, you aren't supposed to torment females like that. :P
& ohyah, before i go off, just wanted to cheer some of my friends who are in JC and who had taken their Chinese Oral today.
Don't be too sad ! I'm sure you guys will be able to do it ! :D
Bell curves NEVER fails to pull everyone up, not done. At least, not to failing mark.
So stay happy because you still have 1.25years to go !
Gambatteh ! (;
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