Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Under the request of GCN asking for a tagboard,
i've added a cbox again.
Anyways, i think it's still going to rot there, so doesn't make any difference.
But i'm NOT going to change my blogskin ! ):
The butterfly is so freaking pretty, it's hard to find another one that's so classy and royalty, LIKE ME ! :D
Just a short summary of the day.
Had PACC lecture. Listening to her talk is human torture. -.-
I've no idea how she manages to find a husband. I think her amazing speeches must have resulted in her son being overseas. :P
Had 3hour break, wasn't too productive. ONOW wasn't done. Only managed to compile points.
Econs lecture was fine because i paid attention. YAY !
Just that i forgot what i learnt. -.-
SPSS was boring. Well, apart for the fact that i got 85 for the test. OMFG ! I've never had such a high grade in 17years of my life. (Y)
Yah that's all.
So depressed now, what with the homework load increasing exponentially.
DBE : Not started.
MOB : Not started.
ONOW : 1/4. Due on Thurs. FML.
Pray i'm still alive after Thurs. (Y)
Seriously, i wish i could say "FYL" instead of "FML". But i don't have anybody to blame. And the grounds for blaming isn't logical.
Whatever, fml. -.-
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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