Thursday, June 17, 2010
Just finished with PACC tutorial and still resting. :P
Well, i wasn't as productive as i expected myself to be. Thanks to the many distractions at home, i'm beginning only done with PACC and the worst thing is that there's quite a few blanks.
Sorry lah, i don't even know what the hell i should write for P&L. The sequence is so confusing. -.-
Let's hope i understand it more before school starts.
Seriously, that teacher doesn't even help. She's just there to keep an eye on us for 2 hours.
Waste of time.
& i just read through Econs and the questions turned me -.-??
How in the world am i supposed to find TC when i don't freaking know what TFC and TVC are.
Shytz. I thought i understood it during lectures and i still felt highly-accomplished.
Thanks so much for making me feel demoralized all over again.
Anyways, i should go read up on the textbook which isn't of much help either. It's just there because of the stupid econslab thing.
Damn, worst come to worst, i'll get people to teach me econs ! >:/
Totally random, but i have a uber cute dad.
Well, he's cute in a 'lil different way.
He added a smiley in his message today ! :D
I shall emphasize that he does not add smileys because he doesn't message much, plus he seldom messages me.
So cute lah. I'll give him a big hug later ! ^^v
Ok ! Time to launch attack on econs ! (;
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