Tuesday, June 8, 2010
MOB sucked. That kinda summarises what happens today..?
Damn tired.
Shocking that it's only 10 and im already freaking tired.
Worst thing is that i've actually slept for about 10hrs today.
Must be the strenuous brain 'exercises' trying to cram everything in my brain, that results in such a side-effect.
Nothing much to talk about..?
Went to school/home with Steffi. Did retarded things.
Somehow, she manages to make me smile when im tired.
That's nice in a way. But i get even more tired afterwards. LOLs !
Just finished studying for econs not long ago.
& i thought i was well-prepared for it because i kept emphasizing that it's all concepts.
But i kinda forgot there were tons of definitions waiting for me as well.
Either way, i'll just let nature take its course and see how i die tomorrow.
3hrs paper squeezed into a tiny 1hr slot.
Wow, thanks assholes. -.-
I think life MIGHT be a little better after tomorrow ?
Can take a short nap before chionging stats.
I've been introduced to new, ok not very new, but nice korean artistes.
From now on, my MP3 would be playing 70% kpop songs. LOLOL !
Been listening to korean songs since yesterday. Amazing ~
Alright, that's all. HAHAA.
I'll lock my blog soon. Soon. (:
Down, down, we gotta get down,
Down, down, we gotta get down !
Copyrighted @ ♥CHERYL - (: @ emotions-withinme.bs

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